Wednesday, January 31, 2018
January Goal Check | And Some Good Daily Habits
Earlier this month, I wrote my anthem for the year, a large compilation of all the things God's been pressing on my heart, wrapped up in a single word: free. I want to live more free this year. I want to run on mission, unhindered by all the things of this world that so often trip me up. I want to be led by the Spirit, not by my own flesh. I want to say yes to the door opening practices that make a way for God to do His work on me, and not conform to the idle and busy lifestyle that can so easily become the norm. And as much as this freedom has to do with my insides, so much of it trickles into the stuff of this world, too - how I care for myself, our family, our time, and this home.
I just finished reading Emily Ley's A Simplified Life, a pretty coffee table read filled with practical tools to make the things of this life less complicated so you can essentially grab hold of a freer life. She shares ways to free up your space, closet, mealtimes, schedule, finances, hospitality, technology, self-care, and your faith. Most of these tips and tools aren't rocket science, but they served as good reminders that we do have control over so many of the small, but important things that can make a big difference in how we spend our lives.
I used to think that the word free meant a life of wild, unabashed concern for your tomorrows. I used to think freedom was synonymous with a go-wherever-do-whatever mentality that was sometimes matched with poor decisions because of a general lack of concern for anything but the moment right in front of you. This was my definition, my motivation to live free at various periods of my life. And while some of this still might translate, the Bible (of all things) has given me an entirely new definition of freedom, what it means to live free in Christ. Because He has our tomorrows, we can run free, being light and love for others, wherever He calls us to go. But I've also learned that a life free in Christ is not without structure, hard work, and discipline. It's a daily fight to choose to invest in my relationship with God, and put aside the things that have a way of creeping in and taking me towards anything but that relationship. Most days, it's a struggle; however, like Emily Ley, I've realized there are things I can do to create more space in my life and my heart for what matters the most.
As I read A Simplified Life this month, I jotted down my own list of daily, practical habits that help me clear my head, free up my space, and create more opportunities to invest in my faith, my family, and my community. I put together a little list of my daily ABCs, not only as reminders for me of the things that matter, but maybe sparking some ideas for you, too.
A - ambience matters || even if the house is a wreck, if I clear off the counter and light a good smelling candle, my soul just calms down. This can also be achieved at night, especially after dinner is cleaned up and put away. I like to make the bedrooms cozy, turning the beds down and the lamps on, shutting off lots of lights and creating a quiet, cozy space to let go a little
B - be brave || you can't truly live free unless you're willing to be brave. I always know I'm about to do something brave when I've got all the voices inside telling me otherwise, to quit, be quiet, or give in to what everyone else would do. Reading the Bible has sure taught me a thing or two of what it means to live free and brave, but I'm also hoping to dig into Annie Downs' Let's All Be Brave, along with her new book, 100 Days to Brave.
C - count those steps || there is nothing better than fresh air, a good playlist, and a little bit of sweat to make you feel like you're ready to hit the ground running.
D - date night || a practice I've blogged about before and have truly seen so many positive effects on our marriage. You don't even have to leave the house! With a little intention, you can set aside special time to focus on nothing but each other. Our favorite date night (aside from the date nights we actually get out of the house!) is mixing a fun drink after the kids go to bed, playing a game of cribbage, or planning a fun trip or getaway together.
E - exercise daily || I'm shooting for 30 minutes a day. When I can't find or make time for myself, I'll take the kids on a walk or play Just Dance with Cruz on the Wii.
F - face washed before bed || this is simple, but it makes a world of difference for me. It literally feels like I have washed the day off and I go to bed feeling lighter, fresher, and freer.
G - gratitude, every day || one of the most simple, life-giving routines you can gift yourself. find a pretty (and empty) notebook, keep it somewhere you will see it, and commit to writing three quick notes of blessings and/or gratitude every day. They are a treasure to look back on and an important reminder that there are always gifts to open.
H - hot, healthy, and whole || Beau and I started another round of Whole 30 on Sunday and are once again reminded how good it feels to cut the sugar and processed junk and fill our bodies with fresh, clean, and whole foods. It takes a lot of meal prep to pull this off, BUT, if you commit, the time in the kitchen and especially around the table is an added bonus.
I - intentional acts of service and kindness || while I'm a person who craves order and thrives with a good list, I'm learning to share space on my list with others. Having ears to hear and eyes to see those around me, and taking time to show love to others through small, simple acts of kindness and service go a long way. I am going to try to do something kind and/or special every day, whether it be a thank you note in the mail for someone, a meal for a family going through a rough patch, or a slowed down conversation with someone amidst an otherwise busy day.
J - joy in the simple || sprinkle these things in throughout the week, even if they have to go on the to-do list, too. a family game night. chocolate chip cookies after school. essential oils diffusing something fresh.
K - know your door-openers (and closers) || What are the things, people, or places that fill your cup and bring you closer to a life with Christ? What about the things that do the opposite? Invest in what fills your cup, even if it's hard, and know when it's okay to dust off those shoes and walk away
L - laundry, one load a day || Laundry is so doable when I commit to doing one load, wash to put away, every day. And there is just nothing better than a laundry room that isn't full of piles
M - make that bed, every morning || another one of those easy tasks that just makes a world of difference for my attitude in the morning.
N - nurture life-giving friendships || take the time to invest in these, whether it be a text message or a phone call throughout the day, a get together for coffee, tea, or a margarita after work, or time to invest and dig in to the real, deep parts of each other. I used to long for these kinds of friendships, and now it's about watering the ones God's given me with time, attention, and thoughtful ways to serve and love on them
O - open up those Bibles || I am officially halfway through the Bible in a year, and this process has been one of the most life-giving undertakings of my life. I always wanted to be one of those people who knows scripture, knows the story, knows how to ask questions and actually interact with God's word myself, instead of depending on church to do it for me. And while I'm quite convinced there will never come a day when I don't have something new to learn from God's great redemptive story, it has been so cool to see the bigger picture while at the same time appreciating the details and how they apply to the daily bits of my life
P - pray in the in-between || this is an area I know I can do better in. I'm trying to use more of the in-between times during my day - when I'm in the car, when I find myself in bed unable to sleep, after I drop the kids off at school, etc. Just knowing I can be in constant "talk" with Jesus is pretty incredible, and I want to invite His presence into my days and be more intentional about praying for the people in my life
Q - quiet time || we all thrive when we have a little time to be quiet, especially to combat the rather chaotic times of our days. Whether it be twenty minutes after school before I prep for dinner, or a long afternoon on a Sunday, building these times in throughout the week not only gives me opportunities to pause, but sets a good precedent at home for the kids
R - read || last year, I committed to reading 17 books in 2017. I got pretty close, reading 16 of them, but there were times when I felt overwhelmed by too much reading and it felt like a chore. I've got a great book list again for this year, but have no expectation regarding a number.
S - send more snail mail || it's a dying practice, but shouldn't be! I love receiving this kind of fun, personalized, thoughtful mail amidst the endless junk that fills our box each week.
T - two house projects a week || decluttering, reorganizing, and finishing up projects is always on my goal list. Rather than attempting to tackle this all at once, I have created a system that works pretty well for me. Two management projects a week for an entire year. More on this next week!
U - unplug more often || for consistent periods of each day, such as the morning before school and at night from dinner 'til bedtime. Also toying with a social media fast for Lent.
V - take those vitamins
W - drink that water || especially with a lemon or cucumber in it!
X - have a heart of xenia (hospitality) || okay, this was a stretch, but I did find that the greek word for hospitality is xenia. I want to have a home that is open and inviting to whoever comes through my door. I want to make our guest room a cozy retreat for overnight guests, and commit to more impromptu gatherings around our table this year. And I want to step out of my comfort zone, extending an invitation to people God may be nudging me to connect with
Y - try yoga || why am I so intimidated by this?!
Z - zone out and REST || some of this is important, too. a night of stranger things with Beau. A Friday night in my basement lair, catching up on This Is Us and yes, even the Bachelor. Naps on a Sunday afternoon. And soon, front porch hangs and deck beers in the summertime. This time is important because it refuels us and reminds us to not take this life too seriously.
P.S. I completely forgot to post these pictures! Beau got me a sunflower mini session for my birthday this summer and it was dreamy! Nicole Harnois did them and she was a joy to work with.
Monday, January 29, 2018
Good Things || January
It's hard for me to believe we are nearly through this first month of 2018. It's been a month filled with bitterly cold weather and lots of sickness, and there seems to be a general weariness, struggle, and unrest for a lot people I love. Because this life is not met without struggle, I'm convinced it is all the more important to guard your heart with gratitude, and to look for the joy in every day. I'm reading Acts right now and am continually awestruck by the work of Paul and others as they built the early church and brought the gospel to the Gentiles. In Acts 13, the Jewish leaders had stirred up enough persecution against them that they literally ran them out of town, likely before they killed them. And how did they respond?
642. These sweet little girl toys that remind me of my own childhood. Channeling camper dream vacations through a Calico Critters play set, complete with a candy apple Creuset I'd like on my own stovetop.
643. Laying in bed talking about the Bible with Beau. He's had a newfound interest that has led to a He Reads Truth Bible app., late night conversations, text messages throughout the day, and now, a Bible study initiated by him with a few good friends. He's a smart cookie and I'm learning so much from his insight and funny translation.
644. The way Mila draws little people. They are adorable and terrifying all at the same time. Uncle Taylor is convinced she could get a job writing (drawing) for Stranger Things. We keep sending pictures of her creations to him, just to make sure he's still thinking about them. ;)
645. New Pinhole Press puzzles from our trip to California. Beau and Cruz's sketchbook creations as they bring "Wilbur" back from Beau's childhood.
646. New cookbooks to thumb through, and Hy-Vee Aisles Online, ordered and delivered on a Saturday morning.
647. A new year and old routines, renewed. Our twenty minute family pickup after dinner, where everything gets put into a laundry basket and we all pitch in to put it where it belongs.
648. And a new year budget that leads to decisions like pancakes for supper instead of Pablos.
649. Our new favorite family pastime - Just Dance on the Wii. Great music, a great cardio workout, and a little healthy competition. Unless Daddy and I are dancing each other. ;)
650. Reading Miss Lina's Ballerinas before bed. Or her most recent favorite, Princess Fairy Ballerina. Or my favorite, those rare nights when she actually falls asleep when I sing to her.
651. The confidence that exudes from her when I give her space to be just who she wants to be. Even when that includes sleeveless dresses when it's ten below and blanket capes safety pinned securely around her neck.
652. Voxer conversation throughout the day with Kate and Jess.
653. Cruz telling us all about Little Stevie Wonder at dinner, which led to a full on dance party of both Stevie and Ray Charles while we did dishes together.
654. Sweet daycare teachers who love on our kids. Sweet Winnie and the impact she's having on these little souls as she teaches them about Africa and a world much bigger than they can fathom. Payton and her sweet friendship with Mila. Emily and fantastic French braids, and Daniel and Tre and Mila's affection toward them.
655. Taking advantage of the sweet slime kits Aunt Kate gave the kids for Christmas. One turned out great, one had a little too much glitter.... :)
656. A simple birthday celebration for our girl, complete with a new Welly Wishers doll that hasn't left Mila's side since she opened her!
657. Making lemonade out of sour lemons. When our plans to spend the day at the Mall of America were disrupted when Mila threw up at our friends' house, we spent our MLK Day at home instead. We made the most of it with bead creations and cooking baking, videos from Dirty Dancing, and an afternoon of Kiwi Crate spy kits. I sure love these simple days at home with my friends.
658. His love of reading. And spelling. And math. And his teacher! I love the way they banter back and forth. Last weekend, she kept telling him she had to get home to pack for our Mall of America weekend. She told him she couldn't wait to go and ride rides with him. Finally, he went up and whispered in her ear, "Are you REALLY coming to the Mall of America with us?!" And she wrote me an email to share this whole story. He's eating up this first grade thing and it makes his mama's heart dance.
659. My new favorite place to curl up and catch up on This Is Us. My own little cocoon on the downstairs couch.
660. A rare lazy Sunday afternoon, watching football and eating impromptu tailgate food.
661. Finding these kids, bellied up to the bar, eating football and choosing between the Patriots and the Jaguars.
662. When she sneaks my perfume and asks to put chapstick on my lips.
663. Last Saturday and it's fifty degree January glory. Fresh air, clean pantries, and pruned plants. Seed packet deliveries from Floret Farms and the promise of green grass and warm sunshine ahead.
664. The return of life group. Candles lit and music on as girls file in and make themselves at home. They chase our kids around the house, pray for our family, and say yes to a book study of Dance Stand Run. It's gonna be good.
What's on your happy list today? I encourage you to stop what you're doing and write down five gifts from today. And then, write five more from tomorrow!
"But Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off their feet against them and went to Iconium. And the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit."
As death and the darkness of this world literally chased them through the streets, they were still filled with joy and God's spirit. For a long time, the four of us have played a game at dinnertime where we all take turns sharing our happiest, and crappiest, moments of our days. This practice has revealed so much over time. Some days, the happy moments abound and it's hard to come up with crappies to share. Other days, it's quite the opposite. But never have we had a day where we can't express the good that exists in the everyday. And man, these babes of ours? Like Paul and Barnabas, we have much to learn from their attitudes and outlooks on life. They're wired to see the good, and to shake off the darkness. There's a reason Jesus said we are to believe like them.
Our collection of good things from this first month of the new year. Pulled from pictures and gratitude journals and little slips of papers found in the cup holder of my car, filled with those little moments too sweet to forget.
641. Winter break memories. A full day with not a single plan other than to stay in our pajamas and play with all these new toys. Unless you're Mila, of course, who does not believe in pajamas and would much more prefer cold summer clothes like pink skirts and tank top dresses.
642. These sweet little girl toys that remind me of my own childhood. Channeling camper dream vacations through a Calico Critters play set, complete with a candy apple Creuset I'd like on my own stovetop.
643. Laying in bed talking about the Bible with Beau. He's had a newfound interest that has led to a He Reads Truth Bible app., late night conversations, text messages throughout the day, and now, a Bible study initiated by him with a few good friends. He's a smart cookie and I'm learning so much from his insight and funny translation.
644. The way Mila draws little people. They are adorable and terrifying all at the same time. Uncle Taylor is convinced she could get a job writing (drawing) for Stranger Things. We keep sending pictures of her creations to him, just to make sure he's still thinking about them. ;)
645. New Pinhole Press puzzles from our trip to California. Beau and Cruz's sketchbook creations as they bring "Wilbur" back from Beau's childhood.
646. New cookbooks to thumb through, and Hy-Vee Aisles Online, ordered and delivered on a Saturday morning.
647. A new year and old routines, renewed. Our twenty minute family pickup after dinner, where everything gets put into a laundry basket and we all pitch in to put it where it belongs.
648. And a new year budget that leads to decisions like pancakes for supper instead of Pablos.
649. Our new favorite family pastime - Just Dance on the Wii. Great music, a great cardio workout, and a little healthy competition. Unless Daddy and I are dancing each other. ;)
650. Reading Miss Lina's Ballerinas before bed. Or her most recent favorite, Princess Fairy Ballerina. Or my favorite, those rare nights when she actually falls asleep when I sing to her.
651. The confidence that exudes from her when I give her space to be just who she wants to be. Even when that includes sleeveless dresses when it's ten below and blanket capes safety pinned securely around her neck.
652. Voxer conversation throughout the day with Kate and Jess.
653. Cruz telling us all about Little Stevie Wonder at dinner, which led to a full on dance party of both Stevie and Ray Charles while we did dishes together.
654. Sweet daycare teachers who love on our kids. Sweet Winnie and the impact she's having on these little souls as she teaches them about Africa and a world much bigger than they can fathom. Payton and her sweet friendship with Mila. Emily and fantastic French braids, and Daniel and Tre and Mila's affection toward them.
655. Taking advantage of the sweet slime kits Aunt Kate gave the kids for Christmas. One turned out great, one had a little too much glitter.... :)
656. A simple birthday celebration for our girl, complete with a new Welly Wishers doll that hasn't left Mila's side since she opened her!
657. Making lemonade out of sour lemons. When our plans to spend the day at the Mall of America were disrupted when Mila threw up at our friends' house, we spent our MLK Day at home instead. We made the most of it with bead creations and cooking baking, videos from Dirty Dancing, and an afternoon of Kiwi Crate spy kits. I sure love these simple days at home with my friends.
658. His love of reading. And spelling. And math. And his teacher! I love the way they banter back and forth. Last weekend, she kept telling him she had to get home to pack for our Mall of America weekend. She told him she couldn't wait to go and ride rides with him. Finally, he went up and whispered in her ear, "Are you REALLY coming to the Mall of America with us?!" And she wrote me an email to share this whole story. He's eating up this first grade thing and it makes his mama's heart dance.
659. My new favorite place to curl up and catch up on This Is Us. My own little cocoon on the downstairs couch.
660. A rare lazy Sunday afternoon, watching football and eating impromptu tailgate food.
661. Finding these kids, bellied up to the bar, eating football and choosing between the Patriots and the Jaguars.
662. When she sneaks my perfume and asks to put chapstick on my lips.
663. Last Saturday and it's fifty degree January glory. Fresh air, clean pantries, and pruned plants. Seed packet deliveries from Floret Farms and the promise of green grass and warm sunshine ahead.
664. The return of life group. Candles lit and music on as girls file in and make themselves at home. They chase our kids around the house, pray for our family, and say yes to a book study of Dance Stand Run. It's gonna be good.
What's on your happy list today? I encourage you to stop what you're doing and write down five gifts from today. And then, write five more from tomorrow!
"...the secret to joy is to keep seeking God where we doubt He is."
-Ann Voscamp