
Friday, February 12, 2010

A Little Spring Fever...

Okay...I'm officially sick of winter. Remember those posts, a couple months ago, when I was embracing the pretty snow, flickering fires, and cozy nights at home? The posts when I felt lucky to live in a place with the changing seasons? Well...I realize that was written at a time when the snow was still new. Now...

and wind chills later...

I'm ready for winter to thaw.

The winter is officially mocking me.

So, as I sit hear tonight watching the 2010 Olympic Opening Ceremonies, piled under blankets, blowing my runny nose and nursing my chapped lips, I'm drifting to a land that is sand, sun, and surf. A land where my skin is tanned, body is warm, and mind is relaxed. I'm drifting to a bali bed, a good book, and a frozen drink in hand. I'm drifting to sundresses, sunglasses, and real, Mexican guacamole.

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