
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Hi baby,

Happy Easter! Today, we celebrated your first holiday. Well, sort of your first holiday. Let's just say it will be more fun with you physically present! We celebrated with baby Charly, though, which was pretty special!

First, your dad and I went to church at Orchard. This was our first year celebrating such an amazing day at such an amazing place. The Holy Spirit was alive and well...and so was the sound system! It made me smile to think of you rockin' out in there! I sang especially loud to the songs hoping you could hear them!

Being pregnant is a lot like buying a new car. Before, you don't pay much attention to what other people drive; however, after purchasing your new set of wheels, all you notice is other cars. Lately, everything I hear or see, I interpret it through a new set of eyes. A mother's eyes. Pastor Tim's sermon was all about the resurrection and the seemingly impossibility of it. Scripture says it is 'beyond the wisdom of humans.' We aren't supposed to understand it. We aren't supposed to rationalize it. We are just supposed to believe it. And as the saying holds true, we have a difficult time believing what we can't see. This is why Jesus said in Matthew 14:19, 'Let the little children come to me...for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'

We have to believe like little children. With wide-eyes and awe-filled smiles, we have to believe in the truth that is Christ as a child believes. As you will believe. I can't wait to introduce you to the story of Easter...the story of why we're all here. And as I look forward to reading you books and telling you stories, I know that you will teach me more than I can hope for.

P.S. I filled an Easter basket for you this week. You're looking at your very first bunny rabbit, an awesome set of tickle-mitts, a few books, and a lullaby CD. I didn't go as far as to hide any eggs; however, I was pretty tempted to dye some!

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