
Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Monday

Picture taken from Des Moines Register

Thank you, NU Panthers, for playing so well today and starting Spring Break just a little earlier for us burnt-out teachers.

Thank you, huge bowl of fresh pineapple and strawberries, for filling my tummy with your deliciousness.

Thank you, sweet husband, for taking the day off to ride to Des Moines with me. For keeping me entertained in the car, sharing your funnel cake with me at the game, and peeking in Pottery Barn with me afterwards.

Thank you, Jack Bauer, for providing an hour adrenaline rush every Monday night.

Thank you, 40 degree temps, for continuing to thaw the earth and melt the snow in our backyard.

Thank you, Jade, for the funny looks you give me as I scramble out of the house each and every morning.

Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa, for being my audience.

Me = 1 The Monday Blues = nothing

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