
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Some explaining to do...

Yes...the word is out - this girl is expecting her first baby in October 2010. I'm about to start my 14th week; therefore, we are ready for the world to know (see postings below for more info.)!

Because it seems we found out about this baby months ago, one of the most difficult parts of this process (especially for my husband), has been keeping it a secret from our friends, family, co-workers, and blogosphere. And because I'm a writer, since the morning I stared at that little plastic stick, I've been writing. A lot. This blog has been the place for me to spill out all the emotions that one's first pregnancy brings. The excitement, the stories, and the milestones. The ideas, the fears, and the rare moments I never want to misplace in my memory.

So...although it may be a little confusing, I'm unleashing my writing that is filling up my dashboard with 'drafts.' Starting with week 5, my journey through prenatal bliss is open for the world (or the few readers I have) to see. Most importantly, it is a place to store my thoughts and treasure the moments that the future Baby J may read, explore, and learn about his or her parents.

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