
Friday, April 2, 2010

10 Week Letter

(getting closer to being caught up...I'm now into my 15th and this entry marks my 10th)

Hi Sweet Baby,

This week hits many milestones on our little journey together. First of all, it’s March, which means the anticipation of warmer days to come. Today it was 30 degrees outside. The students opened windows in my classroom, I carried my coat to the car after school, and your daddy grilled steaks. We don’t care that there is still a foot of snow on the ground…it’s above freezing; therefore, Iowans think they’ve hit a heat wave. Thankfully, you will make your presence in this world during one of the prettiest seasons in our great state…fall. Warm days, cool nights, football, and comfort food…and soon a newborn baby to snuggle with – sigh…sounds about perfect to me…

Another milestone is that you have now grown to resemble the size of your daddy’s favorite food…a green olive. Now I realize that the bulk of the ‘green olive’ reference is your head; however, I still picture you as this adorable little fetus swimming and doing summersaults in my tummy. Your kicks are a little too small to feel now, but I know you’re working hard in there. I await the day I feel your foot. I can’t quite imagine how cool that will be.

Something not so cool (okay, maybe just a little), has been the arrival of a belly bump. I first noticed it on Saturday, just an hour before heading out with Mel and Brooke to celebrate Brooke’s birthday. I had Beau take my first ever, “belly picture,” and did my best to conceal the paunch with my Belly Band. This morning, however, I can’t seem to notice it as much. Maybe it’s because last night, I still failed to get that McDonalds caramel sundae with nuts I’ve been so craving this week! I will have that sundae…I will have that sundae…

Just two weeks until my first appointment. I pray everything looks good and that we might even be lucky enough to hear your heart. I can’t wait for that!

It’s 7:00 am…time to wake Beau up. I’m feeling quite rested; it might have something to do with the fact that I went to bed at 8:30 last night! And I didn’t wake up once!

Love you forever,


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