
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

16 Weeks!

How far along? 16 Weeks!

Total Weight Gain/Loss? Stayed the same this week.

Maternity Clothes? Not yet!

Stretch Marks? Nope

Sleep? I’m slowly gaining more energy at night. Last night, I was up until 10:30! I shocked myself and my husband!

Best Moment This Week? 16 week appointment today with Dr. Weno. Blood pressure was good, weight was good, and heartbeat was right on cue. The baby was low this week, much lower than my 12-week appointment. Heartbeat was around 152…still high but lower than last appointment.

Movement? No, but I can’t wait for this!

Food Cravings? Anything fresh. I made the yummiest mango salsa last night and could have scarfed the whole thing down. I had it under a skewer of grilled shrimp…also an ongoing craving.

Gender? For some reason, I’m convinced it’s a baby boy; however, I seem to be the only one. We’ll find out four weeks from today!

What I’m Loving? Eating a lot and not feeling an itsy bit guilty about it!

What I Look Forward To? Feeling that first little flutter is going to be magical.

Weekly Wisdom? If a bike ride exists in the future, plan the route ahead of time. You don’t want to get yourself in trouble again!

Milestones? My energy is definitely coming back. The weather might have something to do with it too. It’s been beautiful lately.

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