
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In pursuit of...

Happiness. I recently found this really great quote...

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

Imperfections? Let's see...My house is a mess. There is a bowl of moldy fruit staring at me from the fridge. I have a huge zit on my chin, I haven't graded papers all week, and I ate fast food twice today. Life is full of imperfections. Little blemishes that are hard to let go of. Slowly, I'm learning that as great as it sounds, perfection is nearly impossible. That, however, has nothing to do with happiness.

21. Since sleeping is my number one pasttime lately, I decided to treat myself to new bedding. It's soft, it's fluffy, it's luxury. It's what bedtime should be...a perfect little getaway. I remember sleeping in this nice hotel in Chicago a few years ago. The bed was amazing! It was a mini-vacation in itself. Ever since then, I haven't been able to get that bed out of my head! So...I sought out to recreate it's amazingness. And. it. worked!

22. Anther Chicago reference. Chicago Cubs! Opening day of MLB started on Monday. Although I admit that I don't pay too much attention to the games, I still love everything about baseball season. The sound of Ron Santo's voice on 1650 on a hot afternoon, the bright, blue and red jerseys against the lush green grass. The authenticity of good ol' Wrigley Field. And especially, the sheer excitement exuding from my hopeful husband's face each year the Cubbies step onto the field.

23. Speaking of beds, Beau and I bought a baby mattress for Baby J this week. I've been researching everything from bathtubs to baby thermometers, but hadn't really thought twice about a crib mattress. I was shocked to find all the different choices. Inner springs or foam? Vinyl or cotton cover? 12 inch or 8 inch? So many decisions, and as I'm finding with a lot of prebaby planning, these two expectant parents don't have the slightest idea! So...after some research on Amazon, and a phone call to Jordan and Kelli, we decided on a nice Sealy Sleeper from Target. Beau balanced it on his head all the way to the checkout, and again out the door. Now, the mattress is laying on the middle of the living room floor. Jade sniffs it, but doesn't touch it.

24. Judy, a wonderful teacher and friend, dropped by my office to say hello yesterday. And, she gave me a wonderful treat to 'fulfill' future cravings of summer cocktails...Pina Colada gum! Not only does it taste like a poolside day in Mexico, but my entire office smelled like sun tan lotion! Yum!

25. Teaching English is one of the greatest jobs, especially when you introduce students to a new world that is found in a great book. This time, it's one of my all-time favorites: Harper Lee's, To Kill a Mockingbird. I remember really be affected by this book when I read it for the first time in high school. I remember one day, during a free-reading day, I found myself lost in the book, only to stop myself and soak in the silence in the room. Every student, from the avid reader to the first-time reader, was lost in that book. It is the memory that stuck with me until my decision to introduce this book to my dear freshmen. It will be a great way to end the year. And besides, Gregory Peck as Atticus!

"They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."

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