
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

19 Weeks!

How far along? 19 Weeks!

Total Weight Gain/Loss? 2 pounds – a big week for growth!

Maternity Clothes? Wow…maternity clothes sure makes you look pregnant. I guess I’ve been sucking it in too long. Today I wore my first v-necked Gap maternity shirt and students were staring at my pregnant belly all day! A little self-conscious, but heck, I’m almost five months!

Stretch Marks? Nope

Sleep? Last Sunday, I got nine hours of sleep! I went to bed at 9:30 and overslept!

Best Moment This Week? Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with Beau at La Chiquita. Since I couldn’t indulge in a salty margarita, I instead stuffed myself on the four-meat taco bar…Yum Yum Yum!

Food Cravings? Fresh foods…especially now that it is getting warmer. Beau is also quite pleased with me lately…grilled grub sounds great again!

Gender? Starting to sway to the girl side of the fence. It’s a bandwagon I swear!

What I Miss? Did I mention salt-rimmed margaritas?!?!

What I Look Forward To? Tuesday is the big day! Boy ? Girl? Boy? Girl?

Weekly Wisdom? If your shirts are long enough, buttoning pants is completely optional
Milestones? Lots of baby bump growth this week! My tummy is noticeably bigger…

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