
Sunday, May 9, 2010

My (soon-to-be) Mother's Day

Today, thanks to you, Baby J, I got a little spoiled. Although I don't have a baby to squeeze tight and kiss on the cheek a million times today, I have the anticipation of what is soon to be. And, yes, Mother's Day did feel a little different today. As I stare at this blank screen, I'm having some trouble putting into words what those feelings are exactly...

A little pride, perhaps, that I, too, can be part of a day that is about celebrating the universal love that is motherhood.

Excitement, for sure, as I look ahead to a year from now, with another school year almost complete, a bed of new flowers freshly planted, and a chubby seven-month old crocheted onto my hip.

And, a little anxiety, as I am two days away from seeing a black and white picture of the makings of a baby being formed inside of me. A boy, or a girl, being formed inside of me. Whew. No wonder my head is in the clouds a bit today and no wonder I found myself lying wide awake in bed for three hours last night. I'm starting to think the emotions had more to do with the insomnia than the single can of Mountain Dew I drank hours before calling it a night!

As I sat at Applebee's today, watching a first-time mommy, a first-time grandma, and a first-time great-grandma swoon over sweet little Charly, I realized how special this Mother's Day is. Definitely a new chapter for our family. A new chapter I'm pretty excited to read. mom. It's always difficult to write about my relationship with my mom because it's easy to sound cliche to the outside world. It's true, she's my best friend, the person I can't wait to talk to everyday and better yet, see for shopping trips, unplanned lunch dates, and kitchen table talks. It's also true that she's my rock (which sounds odd since I inherit my emotional side from her). She listens, she encourages, she supports, and she prays. A lot. She's given her life to her kids and would do anything for us. She's taught me to walk with Jesus, to walk in a life of faith and love. Most I think back to her ways as I was growing into my own, her constant example has taught me how to be a mom....

...and for that, Baby J and I are thankful.

-Thank you for putting your kids first. It rarely mattered if the dishes were piled on the counter, or the laundry was overflowing from the hamper, Mom always made time for us. I remember her lying on her side next to a wispy haired little Taylor, patiently waiting for him to fall asleep on his white Mickey Mouse blanket in the middle of the living room floor. I remember her missing her first born like crazy after he moved off to college. I remember late nights helping me glue pictures on a piece of poster board, or asking me questions on a study guide. I remember sneaking up to her preschool room during 'restroom breaks' at school because I simply needed to talk. And, not only did she always listen, but her eyes always told me that she needed that time too.

-Thank you for always making the little things fun. Passports were never needed in our household; however, a yearly trip to the Minnesota Zoo, Metro-Dome, and Red Roof Inn felt like an exotic getaway for us. Life was simple, but so cozy. Dairy Queen trips, movie nights, and Sunday drives with the windows down were fun little excursions that I always looked forward to. That I still look forward to.

-Thank you for being my best friend. For always taking the time to talk to me, even when I call at a bad time. For setting apart days to come and shop, or eat, or better yet, just talk, because you know I need it.

-Thank you for always knowing what to say, even when I don't acknowledge it at the time. Your honesty, your encouragement, your prayers, and your undying love always provide that light at the end of life's tunnel.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

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