
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 22

How far along? 22 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss? Well…I didn’t weigh myself last week, so was surprised to step on the scale this week. I gained four pounds in two weeks!!! I hope this is not the story for the rest of the pregnancy…

Maternity Clothes? A few items were added to the list this week…mainly tops because of the length…I should have been shopping maternity a long time ago!

Stretch Marks? Nope

Sleep? YES

Best Moment This Week? My first baby shower! My school friends were too good to us! I’m pretty blessed to get to work with so many great mommies.

Food Cravings? Fresh fruits and veggies. The heartburn has been escalating this week, so I’m learning to be careful with certain foods.

Gender? Our house is already filling up with lots of BLUE!

What I Miss? Shopping for cute summer clothes. I’ve decided to replace shopping for me with shopping for Lil’ J

What I Look Forward To? Getting this nursery done. The bedding is here and now I’m deciding on paint colors. Anyone who knows me well knows this is not an easy feat.

Milestones? From the pregnant woman’s bible, ‘What to Expect:’ Forget about ounces, baby. This week, we’re talking a whopping weight of 1 pound and a length of nearly 8 inches, about the size of a small doll. Baby can sense light and dark, can hear Beau, and can taste just about everything I’m eating. A big week for milestones, Baby J is using all of his senses, including grabbing onto his umbilical cord! Now, if I could only feel him move! Come on little one!

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