
Thursday, June 3, 2010

23 Week Update

How far along? 23 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss? Stayed the same this week…

Maternity Clothes? I made it through the school year! Now, dressing for the day is simple: summer dresses with empire waists, cotton shorts, leggings, t-shirts, and tanks. I even bought a retro maternity swimsuit this week!

Stretch Marks? No!

Sleep? My little man is giving me an early glimpse of losing sleep! He is one active baby, especially as I lay in bed at night. The flip-flopping, kicking, and popping movements in my belly distracted me from sleep for longer than usual! Hopefully he gets this late night activity out of his system by October!

Best Moment This Week? Feeling this little guy move is the coolest thing… he is an athlete!

Food Cravings? Fresh fruits and veggies

Gender? BOY!

What I Miss? Fitting into last year's summer clothes! It’s a little sad, but I’m having fun being creative with new stuff

What I Look Forward To? Project Nursery!

Milestones? Feeling Baby J is a huge milestone for me. It’s nothing like I expected. I thought
I’d feel him a couple times a day; boy, was I underestimating this one! He’s a mover. In fact, there is no way I could even begin to chart the number of movements. They are all the time! When I’m sitting still, I feel him about every few minutes! Now I can’t wait for Beau to feel him!

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