
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

27 Weeks!

How far along? 27 Weeks

Maternity Clothes? I just went up a size in my favorite maternity shorts. For all you expectant mothers out there, Liz Claiborne Maternity at Target is the best!

Stretch Marks? No

Sleep? Sleeping with the windows open this week has been heavenly. Because of my pelvic pain, I’ve been sleeping with a pillow between my legs. It’s seemed to help.

This morning, I woke up on my stomach. I think I slept like that most of the early morning hours. From now on, Beau is on orders to make me roll over if that happens again!

Best Moment This Week? The weather has been perfect! This is perfect in my mind: upper 70s, sunny, cool at night. Perfect for neighborhood walks and s’mores.

Least Favorite Moment This Week? My pelvic pain has put a slight damper on my mood and ‘feel great’ attitude. It hurts to lift much more than a gallon of milk and we’ve had to cut our walks short. I certainly don’t feel as unstoppable as before, but I’m beginning to accept that pregnancy does make a woman feel different than normal.

Gender? BOY!

What I Look Forward To? Organizing my new closet upstairs and making way for Baby J’s clothes! It’s been so fun washing his cute little stuff.

Milestones? Entering the 3rd trimester! That’s exciting and scary to think about! We need to get a move on this crib!

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