
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Goodbye Twenties!

Dear Baby,

Well, little one, it’s my last week in the 20s…of pregnancy that is. My birthday is coming up, however, I still have a few years left to be twenty-something. Next week will be my 30th week of pregnancy, which sounds incredibly crazy to me. There’s still a lot to do before I’m officially ‘ready’ to bring you home; however, I’m also getting more and more anxious to meet you and hold you in my arms. I have approximately ten weeks left of my first pregnancy…ten weeks to savor the kicks, the freedom to eat what I what when I want, and all the little miracles that go along with carrying you.

Speaking of kicks…I’m not sure if you realized it or not last night, but I felt your foot. Your kicks were making me slightly uncomfortable in bed last night, so instead of concentrating on sleep, I concentrated on discovering where and how you might be positioned in there. You seemed to be lying how you should because all your kicks were originating in the middle of my tummy, up towards my chest. So, I placed two of my fingers on the bulls-eye, and waited. Then…I felt it. The ball of a little foot, pressed up against my fingers. Back and forth we played this little game. Touch and go. Touch and go. Touch and go. I even yelled to your dad to come feel the evidence. I’ve been feeling you for several weeks now; however, last night was different. Last night, I knew without a doubt that I felt your little foot. And I must say, you have an adorable foot!

After that, I was one happy mommy. I laid in bed and dreamed about touching and kissing that little foot of yours. Although a part of me wanted to freeze that special moment forever, a part of me can’t wait for the real thing…the real foot and the real everything! Life is going to be pretty special with you in it.

Ten weeks to go!


P.S. The belly picture. I think I look huge. I purposely wore leggings and a tight tank top to try and accentuate my ‘features.’ I think it worked. I can’t quite imagine what I’m going to look like by October!

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