
Friday, July 23, 2010

Oh Happy Week...

As summer slides away as quickly as a caught lightning bug in a tiny little fist, I find myself trying to hold onto every piece of it.  I've hit the time in every teacher's summer when I begin thinking about my classroom, my curriculum, and the dreaded bulletin boards, still plastered with the faded backdrop I failed to take off at the end of last year.  

The office will get cleaned.  The maternity plans will get done.  The bulletin boards...well...they'll probably get done.

But for now, it's about summer, baby.  A summer week with a lot to add to the Happiness Project. 

57.  A playful run through the sprinkler with my husband.  As the sprinkler drenched our thirsty front yard, Beau and I ran, stood, splashed, and drank in every drop of that moment.  There is something about a sprinkler that brings you right back to your childhood.  There is something about running through a sprinkler fully clothed on a Sunday afternoon while the neighbors peeked their heads around the corners of their homes that makes you feel a bit silly, a bit immature, a bit wonderful...

58.  A finished Master's Degree I can just about taste.  The paper is finished, my final class is days away from finished, and I am RELIEVED!

59.  Only in the summertime can I have a morning like today.  7:00 am.  Beau is unusually chipper (he is typically not a morning person).  Freezy pops for breakfast.  Weezer's, "El Scorcho," blaring in the kitchen.  Dancing (or what I like to call, 'gorilla dancing') in pajamas.  Stirring pizza sauce and shaking a bottle of red wine vinegar to the beat of the song.  Mornings like this don't happen very often.  When they do, it's best to bottle them up and save 'em for the all-to-familiar days of groggy mornings, rushed showers, and skipped breakfast.  I'll take El Scorcho any day...

60.  Holding sweet, sweaty babies with chubby toes in one hand, and eating homemade grilled pizza with the other.  Caramelized onions, pesto, and fresh mozzarella atop a grate of hot coals.  A sampler pack of Goose Island for the boys, Italian sodas for the girls.  Watching Charly girl roll over on her tummy, stretch her arms out, and show us her two new teeth.  Working hard to make her giggle, then finally succeeding by embarrassingly singing the 'crazy feet' song over and over AND OVER again.  Laughing at her innocent little smile as her Uncle Beau completely dishevels her hair.  One day Charly may get her retribution if her uncle's hair continues to take the path he thinks it will... 

61.  My new favorite purchase for baby.  I've been eyeing this thing for quite some time and finally scored a great deal after heckling the ladies at Peek-a-Boo.  If they'll sell it for half off because of a little rust stain, I guess I'll take it! 

Do you think this makes me a little nervous???


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