
Friday, May 20, 2011

Ten Things...

1.  Last night, we lost our cat.  Jade loves to be outside and as soon as the weather gets nice, she not-so-mischievously lurks around our feet, awaiting a chance at her freedom.  We let her get a taste of freedom every now and then, but she usually takes advantage of it by eating the patch of grass about five feet from our front door.  She doesn't really understand the whole outside thing, but she likes to think she's dangerous.

So last night, Beau and Cruz and Jade were outside on the front steps.  Beau brought Cruz in so I could give him his supper and forgot that his precious feline friend was still outside.  A half hour later, as we were getting ready to pick up some subs from Subway, we realized our claw-less kitty was left outside, alone to defend herself against the carnivorous clique of neighborhood cats.  So, the three of us, Cruz on his dad's shoulders, walked up and down the street, calling out our cat's name.  We felt cool.  And as much as I wanted to find Jade so we could get on with our plans for the night, a part of me loved that little moment. 

We found her, eventually, but not before our neighborhood kids had began a full out search party.  Ty, our next door neighbor, marched out of his with a look of determination and a jar of cat treats.  "Don't worry, guys, I'll help you find Jade."  Up and down the street he went, gathering his friends and making a plan for covering the entire neighborhood in as short amount of time as possible.  Beau and I laughed as we thought about 'Missing Kitty' signs, complete with Jade's big-eyed Puss n' Boots picture, taped to every tree in the neighborhood.  The kids actually looked disappointed when we announced the search was off.  And of course, Jade, who we found munching on a blade of grass in our neighbors' backyard, looked oblivious to it all.

2.  More neighborhood news.  Last night, our neighbor called Beau from Florida.  They flew there yesterday for his cousin's wedding.  He was panicked because his wife had forgot to pack the dress she had planned to wear to the wedding.  He asked if we'd ship it overnight to them.  So, we used the spare key we've used so many times to find the dress.  Guess how much it cost to ship that dress to Florida overnight?  $105.00!!  I thought it sounded like a great excuse to buy a new one, but I guess when you have a dress that works, it works! 

3.  After a visit to the UPS Store, we decided to grab a couple of subs at Subway.  As we were waiting to order, we noticed a cute little toddler drinking from a sippy cup in his bike trailer outside the window.  He looked too little to be unattended, but seemed content.  A few people ahead in line was a man with a bike helmet.  Puzzled with why this young dad wouldn't bring his son in with him, we didn't have to wait for an understanding too long.  Beau recognized him and struck up a conversation.  

"We went on a bike ride to pick up supper and I guess I pushed my luck.  I thought he could make it to the bathroom, but I was wrong.  Bad dad."

Sure enough, the little cutie was contently sitting in his bike trailer, drinking from his sippy cup, with nothing on but a little white t-shirt!  I'll bet he caught quite a breeze on the bike ride home!

4.  Last night, we had a picnic.  We went to the park next to our neighborhood, a place I hope to call a second home this summer.  We ate our subs, played with Cruz, and made a pile in the early evening sun.

5.  After supper, we tried out the swings.  And Cruz, well, his face says it all.

6.  Today, I stood in front of a class of 50 seniors and gave a graduation address on their last day of school.  When I was asked to conquer this task, I was honored, yet not looking forward to the agonizing feat.  It ended up being one of my proudest moments as a teacher.
7.  After a very nice senior class luncheon, I had ten minutes to jet over to school to teach my final two afternoon classes.  Today, my sophomores would welcome a few more 'students' in the classroom, one of them being Jason Glass, current Director of the Iowa Department of Education.  He came in, pulled up a chair next to one of my Socratic Seminar circles, and talked Catcher in the Rye with the students.  He was real, cool, and empowering to have in the classroom, not to mention, he 'tweeted' about us later that night!

8.  Subway's Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sub = Delish

9.  I love neighborhood stroller rides.  Last year, as I waddled around the neighborhood, baby bump and all, I couldn't wait for this.  A baby, a cozy blanket, a cool night, and a stroller ride through the neighborhood. 

It's even better than I expected.  Now, as we cross Monterrey Street and head down Aspen, Cruz drifts off to sleep.  The bumps, and crickets, and Mom and Dad talk lures him to a sweet sleep, the perfect night cap before bed.  

10. Every morning, as I drive to drop Cruz off at daycare, I sing.  I turn up the radio and sing loud enough for my little one to hear.  Today, I put the sunroof down, turned Bruno Mars', "Lazy Song,' up, and sang my heart out.  And although I can't seem to follow a tune to save my life anymore, I still sing.  And when I open the car door to free Cruz from his carseat, he always gives me the same smile.  One of reassurance, confidence, and unconditional love.  As if to say, we rocked it, Mom.

We rocked it.   

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures! The first one in the swing looks just like you when you were that age! Your neighbor boys are so sweet!!
