
Monday, May 16, 2011

We're getting close...a random post

They got a late start this year, but the magnolias and crab tree blossoms are starting to show their colors.

And although the cotton candy trees don't stay around too long, the green is here to stay.  And after an entire Saturday of rain, the grass is showing off its true colors.

Summer is coming.  I'm starting to feel it in my bones. 

The days are getting longer, my grading is becoming a little more lax, and school nights morph into hamburgers on the grill, a big bowl of fresh fruit, and a post-supper neighborhood walk.  

Soon, we won't have to be up before dawn and out the door by seven.  Soon, my nights will no longer consist of the busy, rushed routines of supper, grading, baths, laundry, pick up, then crash, all while trying like mad to be the best mom, best wife, and best teacher I can be.  Soon, my rituals will turn into clothes hung on the line, sun tea brewing on the driveway, and patchwork quilts spread on the grass.  Soon, my days will consist of pools and sidewalk chalk, the smell of sunscreen on warm baby legs and sticky fingers from ice cream cones.  Soon, supper will be served on checkered picnic blankets, and walks will be taken in the moonlight.  It will be my first summer with Cruz, a summer I've waited for since I held him in my arms this fall.  It's gonna be a good one.  

Cruz loves it outside.  He thinks the wind is hilarious and closes his eyes and screams when it breezes across his face.  

He is amazed at the colors, textures, and sounds.  He loves watching our neighbor boys play outside, and is awestruck when a car drives down the street.  The other night, he even had his first encounter with Harlow, the neighbor's yellow lab, and he survived the slobbery kiss with a smile on his face.  

And like most little ones, the sights and sounds of the outdoors lull our little one to a peaceful sleep at bedtime.  As the sun begins to set and we begin to lose our daylight, Cruz began to lose his neck...

It was a busy weekend, but a good one.  We started a graduation marathon this weekend, an opening act compared to the twenty-plus parties we have next weekend.  It's one of the blessings and curses of teaching high school seniors.  One part of me loves these receptions, especially now that we have a baby to take along and woo the crowd.  But the other part of me feels like I'll be seeing evidence of the potato salad, barbecue pork, and oodles of graduation cake for the next week and a half.  

Although Cruz missed his nap today because of the festivities, his personality didn't show it.  He traveled from party to party with us, usually entering in style on his dad's shoulders.  He was a big fan of graduation parties, and a bigger fan of all the cute high school girls that passed him around.  Beau and I laughed at the fact that we probably could have dropped him off and ran some errands for awhile, and no one, including our son, would have noticed.  If he's getting to a stage of separation anxiety, he sure didn't show it tonight!  

I've been fighting the longest cold in the history of the universe, or at least it feels like it.  And because it feels like the bowling ball that is my head is about to crash into the set of pins pressing against my forehead every time I bend over, I decided to forgo my piles of laundry in the basement.  To be quite honest, I don't exactly know what I accomplished yesterday.  Consider it a practice for summertime, I guess.

Cruz decided to sleep in 'til 8:00 both mornings this weekend, so Beau and I caught up on our new found idea of 'sleeping in.'  Afterwards, we partook in some pajama time before church.  

Look at that hair coming in!  He's gonna be a blondie!

Doesn't he just look like he could pick up and go?

Ready for crawling, ready for summer!  Happy Monday!

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