
Friday, June 17, 2011

The Cape...Part 3

While he was in college, Beau spent a semester 'studying' abroad in Australia.  Up until meeting me of course, it was the best six months of his life.  He went backpacking in the Northern Territory, spent time in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, and from what it sounds, did a lot of jumping.  He 'jumped' from one hostel to the next on a camping trip in the wild, 'jumped' off scary-high cliffs into pristine water, 'jumped' out of an airplane, and even 'jumped' on the back of a camel.  He had a blast and his stories make me a bit envious of his truly unforgettable experience.

While he was there, he became close friends with Chris and Carlie.  Well, as it turns out, Beau didn't need to go across the world to meet Carlie, as she lived in a college house at UNI just a block from Beau's apartment...the very house I would move into after she moved out.  The same room, even.  Small world, right?

So anyways, Beau met Carlie just a few weeks before heading to the 'Land Down Under.'  The two Iowa kids eventually let Chris, a skier from Boston, into their circle.  And so began the story of Chris and Carlie...

In a way, I guess you could say Beau had something to do with Chris and Carlie finding each other, and Carlie had something to do with Beau and I finding each other.  I knew Carlie only a little in college, simply because I was moving into the room she was moving out of.  One night, while at Tony's on the Hill (swanky, I know), I ran into Carlie, Kara (Carlie's roommate and my soon-to-be roommate), and Beau.  Carlie introduced the two of us.  And so began the story of Beau and Ashley.  

We love Chris and Carlie and were so fortunate to be a part of their wedding.  Carlie made the 'bride' role look absolutely effortless.  No fuss, no stress, just love.  Even when the forecast on Saturday called for rain, she went with it.  And even though the bride is the one who usually needs the rest of the party to calm her nerves, fan her face, or hold her dress, this bride was the opposite.  As the rain started just minutes before her entrance, everyone grew slightly antsy.  And when Carlie and her father approached the top of the wooden steps leading to the private beach, her smile radiated the place. 

And the rain stopped.  Just like that. 

I've never been to a beach wedding, but I've decided I'd like to be a part of more in the future.  But since most of my friends have married by now, I might have to become a wedding crasher.  A beach wedding crasher.  Because there's just something about sinking your toes into the sand as you watch the procession, or listening to the waves crash against the sound of the hand-written wedding vows, or watch the sun begin to peak through the sea clouds as the couple shares their first kiss as husband and wife. 

It was a beautiful ceremony between two people that are so meant for each other.

Did it stop?

Our wedding buddies and roommates.  Steph, from Kentucky, who also went to Australia, and her husband, Andrew.  We had such a great time driving around Brewster with them, getting lost while in search of a long lost 'pond,' and stuffing our faces with peanut butter pretzels, appetizers at the reception, and a good ol' Brewster breakfast!  And we may have even convinced them to move up to Iowa.  After all, we do 'detangle' corn here :) 

Carlie's awesome UNI friends!  We talked about missing our babies together, but had an even better time tearing it up on the dance floor.  We had a blast!

And best of all, Jenny let me snuggle with her eight-week old baby girl!

And, the hubby and I.  

The wedding reception was a blast.  The Iowa kids (plus Steph, Andrew, and Danny from Boston) were seated at table "New Zealand."  Since most of us were here as a vacation, we treated it as one.  We followed the servers around during cocktail hour, hoping for one more bacon-wrapped scallop or margarita shrimp.  We savored every last bite of fresh halibut with the most amazing lobster butter sauce known to man.  And we danced the night away as if we were back at Sharky's on the Hill!  

It was definitely a night to remember, in a place to remember.  

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