
Monday, June 20, 2011

Home...The Epilogue

It's true trips away make you all the more thankful for the home you have to come back to.  Especially when you have this waiting for you when you get there...

Cape Cod is where???

Cruz got along great at my mom and dad's.  His new sleeping arrangements didn't phase him, he enjoyed the attention from his great-grandmas and grandpa, cousins, and aunt and uncles, and enjoyed putting on a show for all the older ladies at church Sunday morning.  

We were supposed to get home Sunday afternoon, enough time to have supper with Mom and Dad, present Cruz with the many 'souvenirs' we brought him, and have time for a walk, bath, and snuggle before Cruz's bedtime.  But because Delta Airlines had something else in store for our patience, we ended up rolling into my parents' driveway about 1am.  Beau had early appointments Monday morning, so he begrudgingly dropped me off and decided to drive the extra half hour home.  I crashed on the couch, but slept half-awake waiting for Cruz to make a peep.  

At 6:30, I heard the little babble coming from his room.  I dashed to what used to be the room right next to my own, threw the door open, and peeked over the crib railing.  There he was, smiling up at me as if nothing was different, nothing was out of the ordinary.  Babies are funny that way.  As long as they're fed, changed, and loved, they're happy.  They adapt better than adults, that's for sure.  Mom did say, however, that Cruz didn't giggle until I was around him, just sayin' ;).

My little Cape Cod boy liked his lobster, but thought the starfish was even better.  Someday, maybe we'll build sand castles on the Cape.  Dig up seashells and fly kites high in the sky.  But for now, there's no place like HOME...  

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