
Saturday, June 4, 2011

I am married to a 30 year old!

"I'm sure of you, I'm sure of us...of what we have together.
And I'm very grateful to be in this life, and this love, with you."

Today, my husband woke up at 4 o'clock this morning to smoke two pork butts and his famously coined, 'Porkgasm.'  He's dedicated, that man of mine.  

Not a big post today because preparations are underway for a party.  It's looking like a good ol' Southern style barbecue around here.  The red-skinned potato salad is chilling in the fridge, the cake is ready to be picked up, and I just added the bacon to the beans.  After all, we can't celebrate Beau's birth without pork butt and bacon.  

Meanwhile, my own little pork butt is napping in his crib.  I just went in to check on him and it smells like Arthur Bryant's Smokehouse in there.  He spent some quality time with the birthday boy this morning in front of the smoker.  He's a boy, that's for sure.

Happy Birthday to my best friend, my forever love, and my baby's daddy.  I didn't so much like the age gap between the two of us when I was 19, but I knew the tables would turn someday!  Thanks for all you do for our family...for seasoning your pork last night so you wouldn't get the kitchen dirty today.  For waiting to make your pot of coffee until I was up this morning for fear you'd wake me up.  For going on picnics with me only because you know I love them, and for hanging a picture on the wall three different times to get it just right.  You are already proving to be quite a hero in the eyes of your mini-me, and you make the two of us very happy.

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