
Thursday, June 30, 2011

When all else fails, buy an orchid.

Today is the last day of June.  It's been an interesting, somewhat frustrating month thanks to a few work-related issues that leave me longing for the much needed summer break I couldn't wait for.  And while it's true this diva has had more days off than many (including my husband), it seems like I'm lining up daycare and leaving my boy more than I should be these days.     

But because I'm not wasting a single minute wallowing in my own self-pity, I went searching for inspiration today.  
I didn't have to look too far to find it. 

...I found it on the chubby thighs of Cruz, thighs that are so cute you can't help but give 'em a playful pinch or a head-first nuzzle.  He's ticklish, which makes it that much more fun.

...I found it in a tiny bowl of fresh strawberry gelato from Scratch.  And later, just to be certain I was inspired, I found it in that lemon raspberry cupcake, too.

Oh yea, Cruz LOVED the gelato.  This child never stops eating! 

...I found it in a pineapple panini at Soho, a pepperoni pizza at Tony's, and a bag of Orbitz Donuts for the road.  We took advantage of the perfect summer day yesterday and made sure to dine outside.  Twice.   

...I found it in the dozen roses my hubby brought home from the grocery store.  He works all day, stays at the office until six making calls, and drives to Des Moines and back for a meeting, but brings me roses because 'I'm working too hard.'  He's a keeper, that one.

...I found it in a good meal and ice cold beer.  Recipe follows... 

...I found it watching Cruz in the middle of the living room floor, dressed in nothing but a diaper, drinking his bottle and watching Your Baby Can Read.  If only I could have realized that flashing words across a screen and touching my nose or raising my arms could have made millions...

...I found it in this orchid, an orchid that is supposed to survive on three ice cubes, once a week, room temperature, and a little sunshine.  It's amazing how something so simple can brighten your spirits and attitude toward a room.  And, new things always make me in the mood to clean!   

...I found it in the carefree afternoons of hanging out at home.  Taking the extra thirty seconds it takes to cut a lemon wedge for my iced tea, hang a basket of clothes on the line, or take a pit-stop at the park during our afternoon walk.  These are the days that fill me with happiness more than any other.    

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