
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sneak Peek of Cruz @ Nine Months

Last Thursday, Darcy from At Play Photo came over to capture some photos of our little man at nine months.  We started in his room, taking pictures of him standing tall by his book shelf or reading But Not the Hippopotamus in his big chair.  He hammed it up for her, showing his pearly whites and scrunching up his nose.  And while I relished the opportunity to sit back and watch as someone else snapped pictures of my sweet boy, I couldn't help but remember the last time Darcy was in Cruz's room, when he was just six days old.  We've come a long way since that peaceful little morning at home and our rambunctious little man is keeping us on our toes.  

I've loved all our photo shoots with Darcy, but must say, Thursday was my favorite.  In a little over two hours, we managed to travel from our house, to downtown Waterloo, and back to our house.  And after posing and shooting and changing and smiling, we ended the photo shoot with a sunset, a galvanized bucket, some bubble bath, and a naked baby boy.  I would have given anything to climb inside Cruz's head at that moment, wondering what he thought of being stripped down to nothing, in the middle of our backyard, in front of a strange lady snapping pictures of him in a bucket.  He had the funniest look on his face!  

It's been pretty special sharing these milestone ages with Darcy.  With just one shoot left before our little boy turns one, I find myself so thankful for the piles of pictures that serve as documentation of a year that is has been the best of our lives.  

Until next time, here is our newest sneak peek.   

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