
Monday, July 11, 2011

Wedding Bells...

This weekend, Beau and I attended our second wedding of the summer, our second overnight excursion without Cruz.  Although this wedding was just over 100 miles away instead of the 1,000 miles of our last wedding getaway, we were still leaving for a long weekend, a Friday and Saturday sleeping more than a room away from Cruz.  But because we were feeling pretty well-versed from our last trip just over a month ago, packing and leaving our little man was again, easier than I anticipated.  It was definitely a comfort to know he was a quick two-hour drive away and that I would not have to depend on someone else (aka, Delta Airlines), to get me to my baby when the festivities were over and I was ready to be home.  The two-hour drive home from Des Moines this morning definitely beat the ten-hour airport wait in Boston.

These weekend, we congratulated Jason, better known as 'Heiny,' and Danielle, as they were married on Saturday in Waukee.  Heiny is officially the last of Beau's college friends' group to make it official, which means it may be awhile before the infamous '504' boys are together in the same place again.  Beau's three college roommates, along with Heiny, who became the 'couch dweller' for a good three years at their apartment, have spread out vertically the last few years.  Kyle moved north to Minnesota, while Dallas and Heath moved south to Texas.  Beau and Heiny stayed put in Iowa, yet, it seems that more time goes by than should before we even see each other.  Needless to say, the few times the guys have been together since they parted after college have been very important to them.  It's not long before the same stories are told, the same inside jokes are shared, and the same wives practice patience and understanding!  The 'better halves' of '504' have bonded over the years as well, and I always look forward to our time together. 

The guys, minus Jason, plus Jeff, one of Jason's former roommates.  

It's funny what a few years can do.  While Beau, Kyle, Heath, and Dallas lined up as groomsmen for their fifth and final wedding rehearsal, Jen, Nicki, Teresa, and I talked about baby names, day care expenses, and the best places to find inexpensive baby clothes.  Nicki's little girl is just a year old, followed by our Cruz Man, and Baby Schroeder is set to arrive in September, just a few days before Cruz's first birthday.  We've all come a long way since dancing on a bar at Heath and Nicole's wedding!  

Had to get the baby bump in the picture ;)

The wedding was lovely.  Danielle and Jason looked so happy and so in love.  I will never forget the sweet moment when Jason fluffed and situated Danielle's train after they lit the unity candle, and how hot my husband looked in his navy blue suit.  We had fun bustin' a move on the dance floor, and I thoroughly enjoyed my alone time at Jordan Creek in the morning while Beau smiled for wedding pictures.  And although I missed my little man a lot, it was nice to have a hotel room to ourselves, relaxing to take my time getting ready, and fun to get all dressed up.  Getaways are important, and boy do they make you appreciate what you call home.  

Home came early Sunday morning.  Cruz spent the weekend with Beau's side; half of his time was at Beau's parents', and half was spent with Uncle Gabe and Aunt Gina.  He had a great weekend, evidenced by the smile on his face when we arrived, and followed by him pulling away and burying into Gabe's chest when I put my arms out to him!  Gabe is kind of a baby whisperer, I think.  He slept good at Gabe and Gina's, took naps in Grandma's pack n' play, and was entertained with stroller rides, the neighbors' toys, Gina's dad, Ted, and Betty, Cruz's Great-Grandma J's nursing home roommate!  

It was a great weekend away, which made for a cozy night at home on the couch last night.  Reconnecting with our boy and gearing up for what hopes to be a normal week at home.  Cruz Man is nine months old tomorrow, and we've got lots to celebrate!

Happy Monday! 

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