
Friday, March 9, 2012

Blue Jeans and a Good Hair Day

It happens every year.  One long awaited sixty-degree day in March, following months of a cold, dark, and snow-filled winter.  A day that results in the windows down, flip flops on, and the smells of a barbecued dinner permeating throughout the neighborhood.  The sidewalks come alive as people break out of hibernation, and even the daylight itself decides to play a little longer.  Soon, I will greet Spring Break with a list of Spring essentials - a day to clean windows, an afternoon of baking, and daily walks with a little man who is thrilled to have new territory to roam.  

Cruz LOVES it outside.  Loves as in kicks and screams and throws a real fit when we finally drag him in.  I get so excited when I think about this summer, and have a feeling our home will exist in our backyard.  It's amazing to think that last summer, Cruz was barely crawling, and this year, he's ready for slides, sand, and sun.  Beau and I have already discussed fencing in the rest of our backyard and creating a little haven for Cruz to run free all summer long.  

Last night, we grilled pork chops and asparagus, sat on our deck, and took Cruz on a walk. 

Things started well...

And quickly changed when Cruz decided he'd rather pull his little red wagon than ride in it. 
Needless to say, it took us awhile to get home even though we barely made it off our street!

It's been another wild week with lots of ups and downs, however, it's been therapeutic to pick out the small but important little things sprinkled throughout each day...

Friday: a stress-free, easy, and relaxing dinner at Soho. Love the atmosphere and the sweet potato fries, the beautiful oak woodwork and the chocolate chip cookies. 

Saturday: definitely all the family time with the Jorgensen crew. Quiet time with Cruz in Gabe and Gina’s Love Sack, and falling asleep in their cozy, lake-view abode. 

Sunday: a new baby nephew to snuggle and love...Hayes Warren Henrichs was born just before 7 a.m., which gave us something to do on our lazy Sunday afternoon.  And it turns out, baby Hayes decided to take advantage of his lazy Sunday, too.  What a tired little guy!

Monday: After a crummy day, holding a swaddled baby is the best medicine. 

Tuesday: My husband, who realizes that flowers 'just because' mean far more than flowers for an occasion.  And if you've ever received flowers from Pro Flowers, you're in for a real treat.  Pro Flowers arrive in a box, and requires that you assemble your bouquet yourself.  This always makes for quite the scene when someone from the front office delivers a giant, awkward shaped box during the middle of class.  These flowers, unfortunately, looked half dead by the time I opened the box.  I will spare you the details of my audience's response, and instead share the email Beau sent Pro Flowers...

"Dear Pro Flowers,

My wife found out her school is closing two weeks ago, and when she opened up these flowers in front of her high school students, the only response she received was, 'well, it's the thought that counts.'  

Please do better.

Beau Jorgensen"

It turns out, the flowers shaped up quite nicely after being stuck in the box for too long.  And now, I have two vases of beautiful lilies ;)

Wednesday: Playing the laundry basket game with Cruz.  First, put Cruz in a laundry basket.  Next, fill the laundry basket with duplos.  Next, take turns throwing duplo after duplo back and forth.  Cue, incredibly adorable laughter from our easy-to-entertain little man. 

Thursday: the army of purple in honor of Becky, my friend and colleague, who is gearing up to slay the Jabberwocky of breast cancer.  Every one knows her favorite color is purple, so purple pixie dust is flying through the College of Ed. today.  She's an amazing person and the army of faculty support behind her is a testament to her awesomeness. 

Friday: Savoring not only TGIF, but TGIF BEFORE SPRING BREAK!  The sun is shining, Spring Break is approaching, and there's a 70 degree day in the forecast.  Can't complain about that! 

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