
Friday, March 16, 2012

Blue Jeans and a Good Hair Day - Spring Break edition :)

"5 years. 365 days. 1825 happy moments captured."
Lots and lots of happy this Spring Break week.  Right now, I'm typing this little diddy barefoot on my driveway, iced caramel macchiato next to a bucket of sidewalk chalk, with Cruz out like a light in his carseat in the car.  No worries, as the doors of the car are indeed open and Cruz is hanging on to the soccer ball he just scored at Target.  Starbucks for mom, a soccer ball for Cruz.  I'm loving this weather, the baby blankets on the clothesline, and the iced tea brewing by the deck.  Spring has officially arrived and life is good.    

Saturday: Two and a half hours at Jordan Creek, BY MYSELF!  Beau had an awards reception in Des Moines last weekend, so we were able to enjoy a night for the two of us while Cruz stayed at Grandma and Poppa's.  While the food, the drinks, and the chance to dress up were a major plus, the chance to shop without a stroller was an added bonus (and did I mention the Gap welcomed me with a 40% sale?!)

Sunday: A clean pantry (the finished product, definitely NOT Cruz dumping an entire container of Quaker Oats on the floor)

Monday: an accomplished home-cooked meal, the table set, and a contented toddler’s arms wrapped around his mommy’s legs.  There's nothing that says accomplishment more than a home-cooked meal on the table before Dad even walks through the door!

Tuesday: watching Cruz go down the slide for the first time.  And then again, and again, and again :)

Wednesday: what’s not to love about this day? Stuffed Iowa toast at Newton’s Café, a late morning excursion to the park, some picnic essentials at Sweet Basil Market, some barefoot cuddling on a favorite quilt, an abandoned car and a long walk home, a sleepy baby in a stroller, and grilled pork kabobs on the grill.

Thursday: an afternoon in the backyard, just me and Cruz.  Bubbles and blueberries, snuggles and chases.

Friday:  Not a thing on the agenda except a trip to Target, a Starbucks coffee, and an afternoon of play.

"It is a happy talent to know how to play."


Cruz meets toad.

Feel free to play along and link to your own 'Blue Jeans and a Good Hair Day.' Happy Friday!

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