
Sunday, March 4, 2012

What We Did This Weekend...

...watched 'Mee-mo' (aka, 'Elmo') together in the recliner at 5:30 in the morning.

...topped off a stressful week with a dimly lit dinner for three at Soho.  A Boulevard with a lemon wedge; buy two, get one free maki rolls; and a warm and gooey chocolate chip cookie for Cruz to enjoy with his sippy cup of milk.

...celebrated the life of one very special woman the best way we know how - lots of time with family, an abundance of stories and laughter, and of course, pounds of delicious food.

...took a long and wonderful afternoon nap in Gabe and Gina's Love Sack with my little boy.  After all, it's not very often I have nothing to do but nap.  I relished every second. 

...watched Cruz try and keep up with his older cousins in the basement of the Methodist Church.  The Strother boys were showing him the ropes and he was in awe!  He was so funny - he'd stand there and stare at them with the biggest smile on his face, then let out this low-pitched little roar and run and hide behind a pillar, or run and wrap his arms around my leg.


...huddled in Gabe and Gina's lake-view family room and watched How to Train Your Dragon.  Had a repeat of THE BEST BROWNIES EVER before our drive home.

...prayed for an amazing friend who is not only fighting for UNI Teacher Education, but now fighting breast cancer.  

...cleaned out Cruz's closet at 6:30 a.m.  Bring on 18-24 months!

...whispered the 'one day at a time' phrase a few many times.
...introduced Cruz to spiced apples.  He's a fan.

...welcomed a new and adorably sweet NEPHEW into our family.  Hayes Warren Henrichs is one sleepy little dolly!

...shared some BK chicken tenders with Cruz.

...made the finishing touches on my resume and cover letter {cue deep breath}

...tried on a few dresses at Von Maur.  Decided to stop eating BK chicken tenders FOR GOOD.

...thought about taking a trip.  Somewhere far away.  With sun and sand and pina coladas.  

Happy Week - one day at a time.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my...smiles & tears with this post. I love the picture of you & Cruz in the recliner. Your eyes tell it all. What a couple of weeks you've had! Keep trusting!! Such precious pictures of Hayes! Three beautiful cup runneth over!! Love you so....
