
Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Day in Photos - April

Yesterday was a sick day.  Well, kind of.  We got a call Thursday from daycare saying Cruz was running a temp. and needed to be picked up.  Although we've had doctors tell us that fevers and runny diapers are not a result of teething, they seem to pop up every time a tooth is ready to pop.  So, we picked him up, signed the paperwork indicating he was banned from daycare for 24 hours, and headed home for an afternoon of snuggling our little man.  

Friday morning, we woke up to sub plans, sunshine, and no sign of fever.  I had a day to spend with Cruz, who seemed better than ever.  So, we did what any couple would do when they had an unexpected, spontaneous day at home - we went on a date.  A mom and Cruz date.  It was splendid.


9:00. Breakfast at Panera.  An orange scone, a four-cheese souffle, and a caramel latte.  We cheers'ed our drinks, ate the frosting off our scone, and built a tower of plastic cups.   

10:00.  Just Cruz and I in the children's section of Barnes & Noble.  

Twinkle, twinkle, little star...

11:00.  Discovered the railroad...  

12:00.  A good nap after visiting Daddy at the office and getting a ride in the office chair.

Our Barnes & Noble loot...

1:00.  Dinner prep.  Is the Italian flag red, green, and white to represent their signature food ingredients?

2:00.  Post nap Elmo and snack.   

3:00.  Some outside exploration...

(On Cruz: shirt (in lots of other pics) - Zara Baby; skinny jeans - Little 77; coat - Baby Gap; shoes - Nike)


(on me: colored jeans - Gap; sweatshirt - Gap; earrings - H&M; feather clip - AE)


6:00. Yum.  Recipe coming soon.

7:00.  Food coma. 

8:00.  Our date ends with a goodnight kiss.   


  1. What a perfect unexpected day. I think it's great that you take Cruz to the bookstore and encourage him to read.

    I'm looking forward to the recipe for the pasta dish.

    C x

    1. The recipe was delicious and super easy.

      I saw this cute idea on Pinterest called, 'Read about it Tuesday.' Every Tuesday, bring your kids to the library or bookstore and let 'em read a good book. Cruz was way more interested in this book with a piano, though - he woke up the place :)

  2. Wow these are great pics! Cruz is such a cutie!

  3. We have the Little Blue Truck book, and Jaden LOVES it. (Brandon now, too). It's one of those books that I get to read over and over... and over again. ;)

    1. Oh good - we went from Little Dump Truck to Little Blue Truck!

  4. I LOVE that last photo of you two smooching! Framer!

    xo, Amanda

    1. Thanks! I had to turn it black and white as the strawberries all over his onesie were a little distracting :)

  5. All of these pictures are just beautiful! Cruz is such a good looking boy!
    I love the pic of him sitting behind you on the steps with the smile on his face, the way he is lying next to his daddy with a full tummy (which btw that meal looks delicious!)
    Looks like a really fun day out together :)

  6. Awww what a fun date with little Cruz! Don't you just love post nap cartoons and snacks...a very similar scene in our house:) They are just so sweet after nap time! I'm loving your wardrobes as well!

  7. hi! Love this post! Found you via Harpers Happenings and I'm definitely following you now!
