
Monday, April 2, 2012

The Fabric of Family

This weekend, we dyed 36 eggs with the windows open and pulled pork in the smoker.  For the second year in a row, the Henrichs' and Jorgensens' joined forces in a pre-Easter egg party, followed by a good ol' fashioned barbecue spread of pork sandwiches, potato salad, pasta salad, and fruit.  And while last year brought two littles that would have rather climbed the steps (over and over again), or crawled full speed through the additional legs in our living room, this year was a different story.  

Well, for two of them that is...

(Best of friends.  Well, unless Rock n' Roll Elmo is involved...)

I knew things were off to a sketchy start when Cruz attempted to eat the egg dye tablet from the bottom of the plastic cup.  I knew things were off to an even better start when Cruz attempted to drink the bright blue vinegar mix from the plastic cup.  Poor baby had no idea that the candy and kool-aid looking substances were definitely not candy and kool-aid.  After getting his heart broken in two when we wouldn't allow him to stand on the kitchen chair for fear the liquid temptation would be too much for him, our little man was not quite the same the remainder of the night.  Everything was a little more dramatic than it should have been and you would have never known Cruz had a two hour nap prior to my family arriving.  But, chasing the two rebel rousers around, we took pit-stops at the kitchen table to check our eggs to make sure the colors were just right and eventually ended up with two cartons full of the most vibrant eggs you have ever seen.  

Although I'm pretty sure my entire family was exhausted by the time we parted ways Sunday night, I know I will look back on these days as some of my favorites.  The nostalgia felt when recreating old childhood traditions now in my own house, the comfort of watching my dad whisper little tales in my son's ear, passing around a brand-new sleeping baby, and a forever friendship forming between two little souls is evidence of the utmost important fabric of family life.  It's messy, it's fussy, and it's anything from perfect, but, it's ours, it's unique, and it's important.  
We welcomed the rest of our weekend with...
...overdue bedsheets on the clothesline, followed by an unwelcomed surprise by a bird left on one of my pillowcases!

...the season premier of Game of Thrones, Season 2 adorable pair of shorts for me, and a new sippy cup for Cruz from Target

...a vase of pink tulips paired with a pretty pink bow

...a Saturday night of Banana Grams and Sweet Jeremiah Weed with Beau

...the discovery that Pandora does indeed play through Direct TV, and an afternoon of Mumford and Sons paired with a preseason Cubs game

...bacon, smoked sausage, and pastel M&Ms

...jean shorts and Zara baby clothes 

...and 36 pretty Easter eggs

Happy April and Happy Monday to you all.


1 comment:

  1. So many sweet captures of Easter! Looks like it was a lovely day. Your little guy is adorable! :)

    Thanks so much for joining us in the Leap Into Spring Photo Challenge! We're moving on to blossoms/trees on Friday. Can't wait to see what you came up with! Have a great day!
