
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Party Rock is in the BLOG Tonight :)

Okay, I realize how cheesy this blog title might seem to some, but I must admit, I'm pretty excited about networking with other mom bloggers at this event.  The Sixth Annual Ultimate Blog Party kicked off Friday and runs through this Friday, April 20th.  It's a place to meet other bloggers, showcase your projects, stories, or photos, and even win some prizes.  

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

If you're new to my site, learn more about our story here.  And in addition, here are 10 super random facts about me and the two boys in my life...


Meet Ashley, aka, 'Mom to Cruz, Wife to Beau, and Teacher to a crazy bunch of sixteen year olds...  

1. I am an English teacher and a lover of stories.  My all-time favorite books are Catcher in the Rye, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Fault Is In Our Stars.  I'm convinced there will never be a character as cool as Atticus Finch...
2.  My favorite flower is a toss up between the tulip and a big, fluffy, pink peony.  I wish for vases full of them all year round.
3.  Hello, my name is Ashley and I am a to-do list addict.  My system is really quite impressive and involves long division.  
4.  I wish I lived close to an Anthropologie.  Jealous of you, Amanda ;)
5.  I love cooking, especially recipes that involve wooden cutting boards full of chopped veggies, herbs, and fresh cheese.  I could eat caprese salad and fresh pizza every day of my life.
6.  I can't keep my lips off my son's cheeks.  I kiss them all the time, to the point where I think he gets slightly annoyed.  
7.  Mumford and Sons is my current playlist of choice on Pandora.  
8.  I want to visit New York City and have a picnic in Central Park really really bad.
9.  I still think my husband is wicked hot in a backwards baseball cap.
10. This summer, we're starting a garden.  I can't wait to have a supply of pico de gallo in our backyard :)   
One of my favorite pictures --- Beau and I the morning after our wedding, dress, bouquet and all!
Chicago @ Millennium Park - such a fun vacation...
That moment you hold your baby for first time...
Meet Beau, aka, 'Husband, Daddy, Big Green Egg Extraordinaire, and Helplessly Loyal (aren't they all) Cubs fan... 

1.  Beau is a devoted Cubs fan, and a forever Ron Santo fan.  
2.  He's a third generation insurance agent, for a company called Farm Bureau.  
3.  He's one of the wittiest people I know, to the point where I sometimes get tired trying to keep up with him!
4.  He loves to read, and maybe has the most versatile nook list on the planet.  When he's not reading Bill Clinton's autobiography, he's engaging in the entire series of Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games, or the history of the ESPN network.  He's also the fastest reader I know, to the point where I quiz him to see if he's getting anything out of it.  I love that he reads and find it a little sexy :)
5.  Beau played the role of Sonny in a production of Grease, in high school (singing part and all).  I know there has to be a taped production of this somewhere and would love to see it someday :)
6.  I became the best wife in the world the day I decided to purchase a Big Green Egg for my husband.  Beau's ideal day includes a six-pack of some kind of brewed beer, the Cubs on 1650, and a couple of pork butts on the egg.  He's a lover of barbecue, bacon, and of course, his award-winning chili.
7.  Beau is an amazing dad and Cruz is his biggest fan, to the point where I sometimes find myself praying for a daughter so I at least have someone to take shopping someday.  
8.  Beau spent six months in Australia during college.  He camped in the Australian Outback, snorkeled in the Great Barrier Reef, and rode a camel at sunset.  
9.  Beau would be happy in cargo shorts and a gray hoodie every day of his life.  
10.  He's got a heart of gold and would do anything for the people he loves.


Meet Cruz, aka, 'Elmo lovin', blond bruisin', tooth cuttin' 18 month old... 

1.   Cruz is a music man.  He's loved music since the womb.  He sings, dances, and falls asleep every night to The Wheels on the Bus.
2.  Cruz is a big fan of cheese.  This noon, without even realizing it, Cruz had a three-course cheese meal -- cottage cheese, string cheese, and a slice of cheddar!
3.  Cruz's favorite book is 'The Little Dump Truck.'  
4.  Cruz was almost a 10-10-10 baby.  And while he kept this mama pregnant for 41 weeks, he decided to make labor and delivery pretty easy on me!
5.  Cruz inherited his blond hair and curious personality from his daddy; his brown eyes and smile from his mommy.
6.  Cruz is a big fan of Sesame Street.  As soon as Big Bird's head pops up on our DVR, Cruz turns into an Italian, shouting, 'Mim-o, Mim-o!!'  
7.  Cruz loves a good mess.  He once dumped an entire container of Quaker Oats on the kitchen floor.
8.  Cruz is scared of motorcycles.  Let's hope this continues as he ages.
9.  Bath-time is Cruz's favorite time.  
10. He's got a giggle that can cure even the worst of moods. 


  1. Your son is adorable! I'd kiss his cheeks all the time too...I bet he won't like it for too much longer!

    I'm looking forward to reading more via Bloglovin:)

  2. Aaawe, look at that cute smile! Loving it!

  3. Happy to have found you via the #UBP12! Love every one of these sweet pictures... especially the Christmas picture!!

  4. Stopping by from the ubp 2012! It looks like we have a lot in common! You have an adorable little boy! I'm a teacher too and the mommy to two little guys. I'm your newest follower :)

  5. You have such a cute family! Found you on UBP and looking forward to reading more about your family! :)

  6. Stopping in from UBP12. Your family is beautiful and your so absolutely adorable. Can't wait to read more...

  7. cruz is adorable! i was going to comment on your easter post (which was adorable btw) i ran across on harpershappenings, but then i saw you are also on UBP12... as am i. just wanted to let you know that i am a new follower! :)


    1. Thanks, Jessica! Finally checked out your blog today - Laken is such a cute name! Oh, and I love your chevron bedding. I'm trying to redo my living room to gray and yellow, but it's not coming together like I had hoped :)



  8. Hi.... I come for the party ^___^ I found your site from UBP 2012. Hope you come to my party post too, While you are there, feel free to enter our current giveaway (few of them in cash). Thank you.

    Juliana RW

    ps: what a lovely photos. your son is cute :D

  9. Darling family!

    I'm now following you via GFC from the Ultimate Blog Party and hope you'll stop by and follow me too!!

  10. Your little man is so gorgeous!! No wonder you can't stop kissing him all day long :)
    I loved reading through your list and it is so nice to 'meet' you through the UBP!
    I dream of visiting New York one day too, except you have a better chance because you live closer :)
    I love Tulips too and one of my all time fave books is To Kill A Mockingbird :)
    You guys are a cute family!
    Have a great week :)

  11. Thanks for stopping by our blog! I'm SO happy you did because our boys are 2 days apart. I also LOVE the name Cruz:) Your little Cruz is too stinking cute for words. Looking forward to reading more...newest follower:)

  12. Hi Ashley! Stopping by from UBP 12, and I am happy I did. You have a beautiful family! My brother also works for Farm Bureau in networking for the computer department. I have also read the Game of Thrones and The Hunger Games series like your husband. Oh and my husband would love for me to buy him The Big Green Egg! :) New follower---can't wait to read more!

  13. Stopping by from the blog party and so happy to have found a fun new blog to read. Your family is adorable and Cruz is such a little doll! I have to agree that Atticus Finch is one of the greatest characters of all time! I loved The Catcher in the Rye in high school but haven't reread it since. You're motivating me to pick up some of my old favorites and reread them.

  14. Who took the pictures? They are great. Your son is really cute. You have a precious family.

    Good to meet you.

    Getting back out to the party to mingle some more.

    1. I took my pictures! Still learning, but my Canon Rebel helps ;)

