
Saturday, May 12, 2012

19 Firsts for 19 Months

Happy 19 Months, Cruz Bennett!  You're getting closer to two than one, and it's making mama's heart hurt!  Quit getting so big!

You've hit some pretty impressive milestones this month.  It was fun to jot down new 'firsts' for you this month - you have done a lot, little one.  It helps that you are pretty much game for anything --- along for the ride.  I'm convinced I would like to clone a little copy of you at this age and keep it in my pocket as a reminder of our cuteness.  Or just be able to glance in my rear view mirror every now and then and see you rocking out to Gotye.  Oh, to see the world through the eyes of a child...  

Here are 19 'firsts' for 19 months...

1.  you say thank you, which sounds more like 'neh neh,' but it has the right inflection
2.  you started saying 'what's this?' at everything.  Your curiosity has always been high, but the world beyond our house has expanded it tenfold
3.  you took your first shower...with dad.  We decided it is a quick way to get you clean if we're in a pinch, but your dad said it took the 'no privacy' feeling to a while level.
4.  first play date with your best friend, Harper.  You blew bubbles and drank about five capri-waters. 
5.  you started saying Harper's name this week.  Every morning, we say, 'Cruz, who are you going to see today?,' and you reply with 'Harper.'  
6.  first hamburger - with ketchup.  You loved it.
7.  we started praying together before bed.  I ask you if we should say your prayers, and you immediately fold your little hands and bow your head.  It completely melts my heart.
8.  first Oreo Cookie Shake at Applebees.  We ate there Wednesday night and didn't know it was kids' night.  You had 99 cent chicken fingers and fries and sucked down a mini oreo shake in about five slurps.

10.  at daycare, you sleep on a cot in the afternoon, and usually take 2 and a 1/2 hour naps.  I wonder how you'll do in a hammock this summer ;)
11.  you play a mean tune on your elmo guitar.  I have no idea how you know how to hold it just right, but you've got it down.

12.  you love to count - nuh, nuh, nuh, GO!
13.  you're not a good veggie eater, but have taken to these little Gerber squeeze packets of veggies.

14.  you have graduated to Size 5 diapers!
15.  you planted your first garden, dug your hands in your first pile of dirt, and had your first 'shower' under the sprinkler setting on the hose!  I think you're going to love the pool this summer.
16.  you now go down and up the stairs on your feet - to you, 'up' means up and down---you recite it on every step, whether we're going down or up!
17.  you had your first lesson in how to clean your hands outside - dad style.  Next, we'll be covering peeing outside
18.  your first dollar bill - given to you by a nice elderly man at the greenhouse last weekend.  You thought you were big stuff.
19.  first killer pair of shades you'll actually wear - I'd wear 'em too if I looked this cool!

Happy 19 Months, Dude!  You make our world totally awesome :)


  1. Great-grandma HoodjerMay 12, 2012 at 6:47 PM

    Adorable pictures!!!! Especially like the cool sunglasses!!!

  2. Seriously -- SUCH a cutie! Love those shades little man! :)


  3. Love those SHADES!!! Precious pictures! Happy 19 Months, Cruz! We love you!!
