
Friday, May 4, 2012

Blue Jeans and a Good Hair Day

Some days, that's all it takes. Those little things every day that makes us smile, or sometimes, just make the day a little more bearable. The mornings where I begrudgingly drag myself out of bed, and tiptoe across the icy cold bathroom floor after a quick shower, only to take a sigh of relief when I remember it's Friday. I throw on my favorite pair of jeans and instantly feel ready to face the day. Or the simple fact that some days, a good hair day is all it takes to make you feel like a million bucks. It's the simple pleasures and everyday comforts of this life that are perhaps most important, yet often the most neglected. 

Inspired by Gretchen Rubin's book, The Happiness Project, I know there is pleasure to be found in writing what makes one happy - even if it's just one sentence (or photo) a day. Thus, starts a Friday ritual of mine - to document the good in every day, through words and pictures. 

"5 years. 365 days. 1825 happy moments captured."
Saturday: It was a rough week, with a couple bits of bittersweet news at the end.  Saturday morning, I received notification that my proposal for the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference was accepted.  This will be my first time presenting solo at a national conference.  I'll be traveling to the city that never sleeps in November, presenting on my fairytale J-Term project I created this January.  I'm hoping Beau will accompany me to Vegas!

The same day, I received news that I was chosen as one of NCTE's Emerging Leaders, which scores me a year fellowship, a mentor from NCTE's Executive Council, and two free passes to the Vegas and Boston Annual Conference.  While I still have no idea what next year will hold for my career, I trust that next year will be a growing year for me professionally, in some way or another.  

Sunday: I relished a lazy day at home --- a mid-morning nap with Cruz, three episodes of Restaurant Impossible, and tomato bacon cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.  Lots of comforts for a rainy spring day.  

Monday: making May baskets with cute spring papers and leftover ribbon. All of Cruz’s favorites – puff corn, teddy grahams, vanilla cupcake goldfish, and some ‘smarties’ to offset the ‘dum dums.’

Tuesday: Yoplait French Vanilla Yogurt and Target's Archer Farms Granola Packets - a light, delicious snack to go with a morning of grading papers. 

Wednesday: Reading Catcher in the Rye with my amazing 10th grade students.  I am so thankful for this group of kids - during a time when motivation and morale are at an all-time low, I'm blessed to have a group of kids that leaves me challenged, excited, and smiling at the end of every school day.  They are dreamy.

Thursday: A perfectly peaceful night - Pacifico and cilantro pesto on chicken, being tackled on our patchwork quilt by a rosy cheeked little boy, and a family walk before bedtime.  Tonight feels like summer.

Friday: A gorgeous morning and Cruz in a pair of 'jorts.'  Awesome.      

Happy Weekend!


  1. I absolutly love that you celebrated may day! That was a huge tradition in my family when I was young, I tried to this year but my little one had dance class during prime time may day giving!

  2. Sounds like you have a busy year ahead with lots of new things. Good luck. The May day cones are so adorable... We used to celebrate May Day in Germany but it's one of those things that just fell by the way side. Maybe next year, I'll revive it for my family!!! :)
