
Monday, May 21, 2012

Our Weekend in Photos

It was another busy weekend at the Jorgensen's, filled with laughter and some tears, too much graduation cake, a stroll down Main Street, and an official kickoff to summer with a fresh fruit smoothie from Cup of Joe.  We attended a baptism and a commencement, introduced Cruz to the many kids I spend my days with, and even squeezed in some much needed laundry and cleaning.  It's no wonder Cruz was falling asleep on the living room floor at 7:15 tonight!  I have a busy week ahead with our final full week of school, but I'm doing my best to stop and savor these final moments with my students, as a teacher at Price Lab.  Summer is a' coming, but first there a few important days we must get through.  

I took so many pictures again this weekend, and thought I'd let them do most of the talking.  Besides, the Bachelorette is on tonight and I have a quiet living room all to myself...
Friday Night Fire...
Friday night, we got together with some friends from Beau's networking group for a bonfire, some burgers, and a few beverages.  Jason and Leigh, our hosts for the evening, live in the most gorgeous backdrop ever, surrounded by nine acres of forest reserve, complete with trails, a little pond, and deer so tame they don't bother to run when you're just fifty feet away.  While I knew places like this existed in our pretty little town, I had no idea how cool it would be to live there.  Their deck, the sounds of tree frogs serenading us by the fire, and a bowl of mango salsa amazingness were the perfect combination to kick-start a busy weekend of places to be.

Saturday clean sweep, party hop, and Main Street stroll...
Saturday morning started with one very clean nursery, of course, interrupted with important matters of reading every board book on the shelf, changing a morning diaper, and re-folding the stack of blankets Cruz decided to 'help' with.  

A very clean closet and (:cough:) color-coordinated clothes (:cough:)

A morning of fun in the sprinkler...

An afternoon of yummy graduation food, beautiful weather, and a happy little party animal who thought all the added attention was a pretty sweet deal...

A pit-stop on Main Street between graduation parties.  We had some time to kill and just let Cruz wander down the brick sidewalks at his own speed, usually stopping to stomp his feet on every metal ground covering, and peak around every light pole at us or other strollers.  He acted as though he was a celebrity in town, casually extending an arm to passerbys, waving his little hand and humming his little 'hi.'  He took his time, and loved every minute of the freedom we gave him.  

Such a ham!  He sat on this perfect little concrete block, waving at other shoppers and grinning his cheesiest smile.

We took a break at Cup of Joe and took our sweet time deciding on the perfect drink to satisfy our Saturday afternoon craving.

We went with smoothies.  Yum.  

The mango, mixed with red tea and fruit juice, won by a landslide.  

I adore everything about this picture.  Cruz's skinned up knee and his bunched up sweatshirt, his handful of Beau's hair, and funny look on his face.  These are my boys, my life, my daily dose of smiles.

A Sunday morning baptism for Hayes Warren, my sweet nephew.  He loved the warm water on his head and looked so precious in his white sleeper.  The pastor pulled a hamstring and could hardly walk during church, eighty kids sang in the children's choir, and Cruz clapped and 'whoa'ed' as if he was at a rock concert.  

Our little toe-head, blowing off some steam after church...

The kids, all 'growed' up...

More food, more graduations, and one tuckered out little boy...

A clean baby, ready for bedtime...

Happy Monday!  Wishing all of you a week of sunshine, smiles, and simple blessings :)


  1. it looks like you guys had one wonderful but busy weekend! and cup of joe...we are so jealous over here. i love that place. so i just grabbed your button and must say, i love it! and those green shorts are so cute, too. it appears i have all sorts of crushes on this post ;)

    have a happy week!

    xo, amanda

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I figured you'd like the mint green shorts - 40% off at le Gap!

      Swapped buttons! I must say, yours looks pretty good on here :)

      I keep thinking about Stella tonight. I remember how bittersweet that first birthday is - just know that it keeps getting better and better. I know it's impossible to choose a favorite stage, but 18 months is SO fun.

      Enjoy every second of tomorrow. Can't wait to hear all about it...


  2. Looks like you guys had a really great weekend! :) Your little guy is too sweet!

    1. Thanks, Kate! I could have used a day at home today to recover!

  3. Such sweet, sweet pictures!! I think my favorite is the one where Cruz is on Beau's shoulder!! So Cute!!!
