
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A John Denver Send-Off

It's Tuesday, the day before Beau and I jet away to Mexico, and I'm humming the words to John Denver as I pack.  
"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.  Standing here outside your door...I hate to wake you up to say goodbye..."
I always sing the words to 'Leaving on a Jet Plane' the day before a big trip.  Beau actually started this little ritual for me way back the summer we first started dating.  It was July 2004, and we had been together about a month, caught up in that early stage of a budding romance where a night away seemed like an eternity apart.  Beau and his family were going to Vermont to stay with his uncle, and they had an early flight to catch.  And just as the sun came up in Cedar Falls that morning, my phone beeped with a text message much before my alarm sounded:
"Cuz I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again.  Oh baby, I hate to go."
I wasn't really familiar with John Denver's music, but recognized the lyrics to this song after watching Armageddon about 45 times during high school.  I loved the gesture and told him later that his little love message proved effective as it kept me thinking about him and missing him all week long.  
So today while I pack, I hum John Denver and look forward to a week by the beach with my love.  I will miss my Cruz Man so much, but am excited for the week he gets to have with his grandmas and grandpas.  He's spending the first half at Beau's parents, and the second half with mine.  They have lots in store for him - the Hampton Pool, Gabe and Gina's beach, an afternoon at the library, church on Sunday...the only thing I wish is that he would be able to tell us about all of it when we get home!  I'm sure he'll soak up the attention for all it's worth and have lots and lots of fun.

As for us, we've got plans in store for sun bathing and pool soaking, toes in the sand and drinks in our hand!  Bring on fresh guacamole, pina coladas, and walks on the beach!  Last night, the three of us went to Barnes and Noble to pick out books, a ritual we usually take part in in anticipation of a relaxing trip away and an excuse to do nothing but read a good book.  I've finally narrowed down the dresses I'm bringing along, and hope to begin the monstrous task of packing our bags later today.  Passports are on the table, camera is charged, and flowers are watered.  After Cruz's nap, and an hour or two at the park, we'll be ready to go.  

I'll be back to blog some pictures from our trip next week!  
"So kiss me, and smile for me.  Tell me that you'll wait for me.  Hold me like you'll never let me go."
Have a good week, Cruz Bennett!  We love you and will miss you to pieces while we're gone.

A few more pictures from Daddy's birthday celebration last night.  Beau was surprised by his massive birthday sign and Cruz got very much in to the birthday song and candles.



1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful trip. The birthday pictures are great!!! :)
