Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Flower Picking
Can you believe this wild weather we're experiencing lately? First, it was snow in May, and now, less than two weeks later, record high temps. of 96 degrees! And while I would have otherwise embraced this abnormal heat wave, I traveled with a group of colleagues to Mankato State University for a site visit today and our university van decided to forgo its AC unit on the ride home. That's right, three hours in a van with dress clothes, the windows down, and hot air blowing through the vents. Oh, and the gas station we stopped at for a cup or five of ice just happened to not have a fountain pop machine.
I wanted to share a few more snapshots from our Friday trip to Hoover's Greenhouse. If you live in Iowa and have never made the trek to the ribbon of greenhouses that exist in the Ionia, Charles City, Orchard area, I highly recommend it. Inexpensive, lots of variety, and very healthy plants, and it's more of an adventure than simply buying your plants at Wal-Mart.
Especially when you have a helper like this...
We have plans to plant tomorrow. Looking forward to slightly cooler temperatures, a pile of new dirt, and a few made rites if we're lucky ;)...
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