
Friday, July 19, 2013

a new fave...(and HOME)

...of my sweet boy and I.  Oh, how I love the way he calls me 'mommy'.

After 2,632 miles and 48 hours and 30 minutes in our sleek white rented Town and Country, we pulled into the driveway about 5:30 tonight, happy to see familiar territory after our week long family road trip to the southern east coast.  We are unpacked, Cruz just had a bowl of Cheerios with milk that happened to still be good in the fridge, and now the familiar sounds of guitar playing and bath splashing commence from the hallway.  We are tired, but are still smiling from so many happy memories made on this unforgettable trip.  My mom and I killed time in the car by filling pages and pages of memories and I can't wait to etch it in blog posts later this week.  But for now, I clean the remaining Atlantic sand from my camera, soak sea shells, and get re-acclimated to our familiar space - because no matter where you've been, nothing is sweeter than being home. much to share about so much.  Stay tuned...:)

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