
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's Official!

Our 2014 is about to be a blessed one!  We are so excited to announce that Baby #2 is on the way, estimated to arrive on or around January 16, 2014!  We are over the moon with excitement and can't wait to watch Cruz as a big brother.  He's had a thing for babies for quite awhile, and I can only imagine how much fun we're going to have with one of our own!  

I have had a great first trimester, very similar to my pregnancy with Cruz.  I had thought I had forgotten what it felt like to be pregnant, but the memories, thoughts, and feelings came flooding back in no time.  Suddenly, my body has become a home to someone else who happens to be one of the most important people in my life, and life is now about keeping that home safe and sound for my growing sprout.  I watch what I'm eating more, take care of myself more, and am all the more aware of what's happening in there...constantly.  To think that a little person is growing and developing inside of me as we speak is mind-blowing and is only accentuated now that I have a product of the process filling up my time on the outside of the womb!  I wonder if this baby is a boy or a girl, if it will have Cruz's personality, and if it will stay snug as a bug in there until 41 weeks like its brother! 


To be honest, I'm still trying to let the news of Baby #2 sink in a bit.  This baby did not come as easy as Cruz and the past year has been a roller coaster of emotions that recycled month by month by month.  I know that a year is nothing compared to many stories I know, but I'm thankful for a piece of the struggle this year as my eyes are open wider to the gift that this sweet baby is.  

I am going to post a series of little notes I've been writing to this baby throughout my first trimester.  I did something similar with Cruz and I'm going to attempt to not short the second baby too much ;).  I started writing letters when I found out at six weeks and plan to post them on this space until I catch up.  I'm 14 weeks along, so I have a lot of catching up to do!

Thanks to all who have reached out with well wishes and congrats - all your thoughtful comments mean so much to me. 


  1. Congratualtions on your exciting news!! Wishing you a smooth sailing pregnancy!!

  2. Congrats again Ashley! I am really excited for your growing family!

  3. Congratulations Ashley! I am so happy for you! I read your previous post and I can't imagine the struggle you guys went through. I know this baby will be so very loved. The pictures are adorable and Cruz is going to be such a great big brother!
