
Thursday, October 24, 2013

27 Weeks

I may be a little late posting this week, but I'm all the more aware that I am one week shy of my third trimester!  The cold weather has us in transition mode at our house, hunkered down and hoping to make it look like we're ready for a baby around here!  We worked hard to downsize Cruz to one room this weekend and I'm currently staring at an empty baby's room, envisioning what I want it to look like.  I'm slowly discovering that bringing baby #2 into our world looks a little different than the first.  While attempting to organize the many things Cruz has acquired in his three short years of life, I'm looking at what I can reuse and starting a list of those baby essentials we'll want to stock up on and have at hand in January.  On one hand, I'm feeling way more prepared this time around, but at the same time, slightly overwhelmed at what I can reuse and what I'll need to reinvest in as we think ahead to baby girl.  

The pictures for this week are thanks to my friend, Darcy, owner of At Play Photo here in Cedar Falls.  They are a sneak peek from the start of my maternity session and taken with a forty-year-old polaroid camera she's been experimenting with.  She's got such an eye for art and I always look forward to seeing what she has up her sleeve.  We discovered we should have let the second one 'set' a little longer, but I love how old it looks.  I'm planning to add the originals to some sort of collage wall in baby girl's room.  That is, if I can ever decide on a paint color... :)   

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