
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Arr ye ready...

for a parrty???  We're inching closer to our boy's third birthday, but not before we celebrate with a little party around here this weekend.  We're sticking to a smaller family celebration this time, but have been working hard on some fun little pirate adventures that I have a feeling Cruz Man will love.  Cruz is really into the idea of his birthday this year and it's been fun sharing bits and pieces of our plans with him.  I wrapped his presents and the other day I caught him messing with them.  He said, "Don't worry, Mom, me just 'ranging them."  He most definitely gets it this year and I can't wait to see his face for the many surprises we have in store.

Stay tuned for stories and details next week!  



  1. How cute is this?! Hope he has a great 3rd birthday!

  2. I love these! I can't wait to see the party pictures!
