
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Good Things...

It's been cold around here lately, and I was starting to think our much anticipated fall season was cut all too short, especially when we woke up to snow on the ground last Tuesday.  Pair cold and windy weather outside with colds and yuck inside, and it's made for a few trying days of no fun around here.  I feel like the final stretch of this pregnancy is going to go so fast, and it's hard to enjoy it or feel prepared for it when we're not feeling up to snuff.

And then there was Sunday.  A tiny pocket of sunshine and a revival of fall.  It was beautiful outside, and the three of us explored new pockets of beauty at Big Woods Lake and Hartman Reserve.  We breathed in the crisp air, trudged through a carpet of dried pine needles in the middle of sun-streamed woods, and held hands as Cruz giggled and ran ahead of us before stopping to point out yet another tree that had fallen down.  I touched my belly and felt a little teary thinking of life, and time, and our last fall as just three.  But most of all, I felt thankful - for unexpected sunshine, for the scent of fall, and for my sweet family.  

I have three books full of pressed leaves from our Sunday excursion and have plans to make something beautiful with them to remember our day.  

Good things...

46.  the superman prayer at suppertime, thanks to our little prayer helper.  it's quite a picture really - the three of us with our arms out over our plates, singing 'Thank you God for giving us food...' to the tune of the superman theme song.  Priceless.
47.  grabbing a can of homemade applesauce and peaches from the basement
48.  frozen honeycrisp apples for a mid-winter apple crisp tucked away in the freezer
49.  pink lotion and damp hair after bath time
50.  listening to my husband write his very own song
51.  Avett Brothers Saturday mornings
52.  Cruz's new thing - taking my hand and telling me, "yous my best friend, mommy."
53.  a hot soak in the tub for mama after bedtime.  candles, my book, and quiet.
54.  going to the grocery store without a list and walking away with what could only be the cart of a pregnant woman --- cottage cheese, cheesecake, chocolate milk, and baby carrots with ranch dressing, aka, the best meal ever.
55. watching my boy at his daycare program, scanning the audience for his family and the smile on his face after he found us. 

There are always good things.  


  1. There ARE always good things. Happy Halloween!!

  2. Too many good things to count!! Love you all so! Happy Halloween!
