
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Eight Months Pregnant!

We've made it to eight months!  Some days, it feels as if I just found out I was pregnant and other days (more often as of late), I can't believe I still have two months to go!  Being pregnant is such a surreal, astounding thing and I try to not wish it by, but the closer we get to the holidays, the more anxious I get for her to be on the other side of the womb!  The good news is that with Christmas shopping, family gatherings, and lots of festive yuletide lined up for the next two months, I have plenty to focus on before baby's here.  Beau is a little freaked about traveling too far away at Christmas time, so I'm also looking forward to a wonderful excuse to be cooped up inside by the fire and under Christmas tree, sipping on hot chocolate and watching lots of Lifetime movies!  I'm looking forward to a simple Christmas this year, gearing up for baby and soaking up these final, very special days as a family of three.

Baby girl is taking up more space every day and some days I swear she moves all day long.  I felt her get the hiccups for the first time yesterday and had forgotten how adorable and pathetic that is!  She had them forever and got them again for about twenty minutes at 3:30 in the morning.  When I'm able to sleep through the night, her constant moving doesn't bother me, but if I wake up for any known reason (my bladder, my three year old, you know), I have a hard time falling back asleep.  Just my body gearing up for sleepless nights, I suppose, a sure-to-be shock to our system in January!  

I'm finally feeling like I'm nesting around here, and spent a greater part of the weekend washing lots of baby clothes, going through all of Cruz's baby things, and filling drawers with sweet newborn onesies and sleepers again.  I had forgotten how small newborn clothes is!  I found a diaper bag full of newborn diapers and had so much fun rearranging everything just so.  I open her closet at least three times a day and breathe in that familiar smell of Dreft and smile at the unfamiliar sight of so much pink in that closet!  

I cleaned the coat closet the other day, dry-cleaned my winter coats I'm unable to button right now, and have plans to purchase new cozy bedding for our bed and Cruz's before the new year.  We've been listening to Christmas music, doing some online shopping, and planning some fun, special adventures with our boy before he becomes a big brother.  His life is going to change and I'm already feeling the call to be deliberate about the quality of time spent with him.  I can already tell he's going to be so great, but know it's important to maintain some normalcy for him at home, too.  

Like bedtime stories.  Perhaps our favorite time together.  


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