
Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas, cont.

Forever moments of our Christmas 2013...

...a movie night and dance party by the fire the night before Christmas Eve.  Cruz kept saying it was "cozy", a word he most definitely learned the past couple of weeks.  It's a favorite word around here.  

...that snow that fell from the sky as we left church on Christmas Eve.   

...sneaking out with Cruz and Beau in our pajamas and boots late Christmas Eve to sprinkle our reindeer food on the drive.  The snow was sparkly and everything was so quiet.

...stealing one of Santa's sugar cookies, drinking orange juice out of his mug, and watching Christmas Vacation with Beau after stuffing stockings and tucking in our sugar plum.  

...(just minutes before church is going to start)...Me (to Beau): You forgot Cruz's backpack??? (Meanwhile, Cruz's eyes surf from the white candle in his hand to the lady's blond hair in the seat ahead of him). 

...a yummy Christmas Eve meal, warm baked hot chocolate, and a little boy who had three glasses of apple juice because he thought he was spiffy drinking out of a wine glass.

...a new heirloom ornament to hang on my Christmas tree.  A new favorite picture of Cruz with 2013 etched in the silver frame now hangs below a wedding picture of Beau and I, a similar frame with 2007 etched in its frame. 

...a little boy in plaid pajamas who proved to have the whole present thing down pat this year.  He looked like a mini-Beau tearing into his packages, only to announce, "I was looking for this the whole time," after opening the grand finale Batman house he's been talking about for a month.

...Minion Tim and the many laughs he brought us.


...Another morning snowfall, big flakes, and the sight of Cruz in his plaid pajamas and snow boots "helping" Daddy shovel the driveway.

...the subtle paranoia that set in as he ventured west in the snow, 37 weeks pregnant.  It was only an hour away, but I know the 'what-ifs' were on both our minds as we drove further away from the hospital.

...a fun night in Hampton and a detour through Waverly to check out one amazing light display. of the sweetest Christmas memories to date.  My talented husband wrote a song for me, and sat on the floor of the living room and sang it for me Christmas night.  It's a song about us, our babies, and it represents so much about this stage of our lives.  He wrote the lyrics, the chords, everything on his own, and I'm so proud of it.  I have dreams of him singing it to our baby girl and someday teaching Cruz to play it on his guitar.  I will just never forget that moment, laying on the couch feeling the baby hiccup, watching this man that I'm so lucky to share this life with sing this song for me.  It was one of the best Christmas presents I've ever received and a moment I felt so very lucky to be his wife.  

...a fun 'day after' with my boys.  It was a good day to play outside, the snow still too fluffy for a snowman, but just right for Cruz's first ever snow fort.  We chased Cruz through the mall, went to the public library for some books about dinosaurs, and had some tacos at Pablos.

-a fun Christmas at Mom and Dad's.  Cruz's 'fireman' toy (aka, Ironman toy) from Uncle Taylor, a birthday cake for Jesus, and three pairs of matching pajamas from Grandma.  

Fun to see how much the littles have grown from last year.  And next year there will be four. :)

That's a wrap!  Some 2013 reflections coming as we anticipate a baby girl in two weeks!

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