
Thursday, January 16, 2014

40 Weeks // Mila Carys is here...

She's here.  Mila Carys Jorgensen came to meet us on Monday, 1-13-14, at 5:05 pm.  She is a tiny little thing - 6 lbs., 13 oz. and 21 inches long and she looks just like a doll I used to play with when I was little.  We are completely in awe of her and I forgot how easy it is to stare at a baby all day.


We came home yesterday and so far, life has moved slowly around here.  Mila has seemed to take to her new surroundings well, nursing good for mommy and even sleeping well in her crib last night.  Cruz is adjusting as a big brother, too.  He sat with me this morning while I nursed and gently patted her back and at one point, leaned down by her lamb chair and whispered, "It's okay, Mila, Cruz is here."  That familiar sense of peace that surrounds a newborn baby has settled into our home and we are feeling so very blessed.

More to come...eventually. :) 


  1. oh, ashley! mila is just as sweet as can be. you are radiant, my dear. sending love to you...soak up those sweet snuggles!! and congrats! xx amanda

  2. We are so thrilled for you & Beau and so thankful your sweet baby girl is here!! Mila Carys is so tiny & precious and just perfect!! Love the pictures and can't wait for more! We love you all so much!!

  3. Congrats! She is absolutely beautiful!

  4. Congrats Jorgensens! Mila is beautiful and I love her name!

  5. Congratulations Ashley! Mila is beautiful and I just love her name! Can't wait to hear more about her.

  6. Congrats!! She is beautiful. Enjoy the world of pink- it is AWESOME! ;) PS- Jealous you had Dr. Hines! She delivered McKenna and I would have LOVED to have her with Kamryn!

  7. Congratulations! I love her name, and she's absolutely precious. You all are such a beautiful family!

  8. Congratulations to all!! She is simply beautiful!!

  9. Congratulations and welcoming your precious Child of God!

  10. Oh my gosh Ashley! She is perfect!!! Absolutely adorable! Congratulations! And I am kind of living the owl hat too!!! Lol

  11. Congratulations! These pictures are beautiful - especially the family ones in the hospital bed! Mila is darling and the picture of Cruz kissing her head melts my heart!
