
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

On a Sunday...

...We brought our girl to church.  I dressed her in tights and her newborn knit sweater dress that's still too big for her.  Beau laughed at me as I got her ready and said, You love dressing her, don't you?

...The sun was shining as we walked in as a family of four for the very first time.  I'm not sure how people knew, but their reassuring smiles told me they could tell it was a special day for our family.

...We introduced Mila to members of our congregation, people who watched two nervous parents bring our firstborn to church three years ago, watched him grow, and soon watched my belly swell again, sharing in our excitement week by week.  There was Carol, who switched spots with her husband so she could sit closer to Mila, Cory, who came and kneeled beside me and swooned at how tiny she was, and Aaron, who patted me on the back and told me she was beautiful.  

...I cradled my six pound baby girl in my arms and sang with tears running down my face.  In Christ Alone, my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song.   

...We celebrated Sanctity of Life Day in our church.  And as Doug prayed a simple prayer before the sermon, I kissed my baby girl on the cheek and felt so thankful for her.  God, thank you for the gift of life.   

...We listened to a sermon on family.  That God made us each with a unique set of emotions, emotions that sometimes get the best of us as we work to make our families thrive.  That these emotions are real, but must not take the place of trust and faith in God's plan for us.  

...We listened to Ben Patterson speak about his family, a young man in his thirties who struggled understanding God's plan when he and his wife struggled for years to have babies of their own.  A young man who let God write his story - a story that took them to Poland to adopt four babies and now, back to Poland to adopt three more just a few years later.  Seven little disciples that will know and love Jesus all because of two parents who chose faith over resignation.   
...I was stopped by Pastor Dave after church, who peeked in at Mila and asked how old she was.  When I told him she was six days old, he looked at me with big tears in his eyes and simply said, "what a gift she is."  

...I was greeted with a happy three year old from Sunday School, telling me, "God can do anyfing!" as he showed me his picture of Jesus walking on water.  

Yes he can, baby, yes he can.  

Through His quiet presence as we walk through the daily routines and struggles of life, the guidance and grace of His revealed plan as we navigate through the hard stuff, and the simple whispers to get out of bed and go to church on a Sunday morning, God is always, always there and knows just what we need.  

On a Sunday, we went to church.  A brand new family of four so very thankful for God's plan.

Images of our Sunday...   


  1. i think this is my very favorite post of yours ashley. i love the photos, especially the one of cruz holding her. so sweet. i love the love that radiates from your words. xx amanda

  2. Goosebumps through the entire post. Absolutely precious!

  3. One of the most beautiful blog posts I have ever read~it brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations on your new baby girl. She looks so much like her brother in some of these photos!

  4. What a beautiful post! So proud of all you are... Such adorable pictures & beautiful thoughts! Much Love...
