
Tuesday, February 25, 2014


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2014"

Cruz: I signed Cruz up for Kindergym just a week or so before Mila was born and it has proved to be one of the best parenting decisions I've made yet.  It's so nice he has something for just him each week and it's been the best outlet to burn off some energy and get out of the house on these cold winter mornings.  I have a permanent smile on my face watching him play and it's been the highlight of our Saturdays.

Mila: The highlight of this little girl's day is anytime she gets to nurse.  Although I sometimes get frustrated with breastfeeding, there is nothing that solidifies my relationship with my girl more than these times I get with her.  I love the way she smells like milk, the way her ears wiggle while she eats, and the satisfied look of love I get when her tummy is full.

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