
Monday, April 21, 2014


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2014"

Cruz: Favorite part of his fourth Easter...watching him confidently go up for the children message at my parents' church on Sunday.  On the way there, I told Cruz he could do the children's message if he wanted to and volunteered Beau to go with him.  I didn't think he registered what I had said until the pastor invited the kids up to the front during the service.  He was listening, because he immediately started making his way through our pew without a moment of hesitation!  I had the perfect view of his face, listening ever so carefully to the lady talk about how to measure God's love, and raising his hand every time she asked a question!  She never called on him, but boy I wonder what he would have said if she had!  He looked so handsome this Easter Sunday with his blue shirt and big brown eyes.
Mila: Favorite part of her first was so very special having this baby girl here this Easter.  I've dreamed about dressing a little girl in an Easter dress and I kind of felt like I was living in a dream with her all weekend long.  Bringing her to church, pulling her tights up and tying the bow on the back of her dress, laying her on Grandma and Grandpa's bed during dinner, and congregating around her on the floor while the big kids hid Easter eggs throughout the house was exactly how I pictured her first Easter.  Having a tiny baby around just makes everything so much sweeter.  And Mila...she's the sweetest.

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