
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The History of Superheroes (Cruz Confessionals Part 5)

And I thought there was only Superman and Batman!  I am being introduced to all things superheroes from a little boy who seems to memorize every fact and detail about them and a daddy who is quite excited about his son's newest obsession.  If I had a choice, I'd delay the superhero squaddies until our little squaddie was a bit older, but I'm learning I don't always have a choice in that matter!  They picked out this superhero encyclopedia at Barnes and Noble last weekend and every night, we read a story out of that before we read a story out of his children's Bible.  Many of those stories are more violent than the superhero ones!  So far, Cruz seems to think the superheroes get the bad guys by throwing apples at them, so I'd say we're in good shape for the time being!

We checked out some books from the library on our date a couple weeks ago, and Cruz has asked to read one in particular, "Meet the Villains of Villainville" every night since.  He has the entire book memorized and I wanted to get it on camera before we sent it back.  Isn't it amazing what these little minds can absorb?  I've read it as many times as he has and as you can see in the clip, I have a long ways to go before it's memorized!


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