
Monday, September 22, 2014


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2014"

Cruz: We went on a nature treasure hunt at Hartman last week.  Just me and my boy snuck away for a bit to trudge through the trails and find some hidden treasures.  We found sticks for swords, red berries for pearls, and acorns for gold doubloons.  Afterwards, we went to Old McDonalds for a Happy Meal and a midday talk about superheros.  I love these little dates with my favorite little boy.

Mila: My favorite time with her is bedtime.  I love the ritual of it all - soaking her in a lavender-scented tub, wrapping her up in a towel, stopping by the bathroom mirror on the way to her room, covering her in lotion head to toe, and snapping the buttons on a fresh sleeper.  I love how her eyes drift shut the moment her bedtime bottle hits her lips, and the way she snuggles in close after she's done.  And most of all, I love watching her sleep afterwards and the quiet reassurance that there is nothing more important than feeling close to her in that moment.  

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