
Monday, October 13, 2014

Twenty Questions @ Four Years Old

We celebrated our big boy this weekend with sunny skies Saturday, new orange pumpkins on our front porch, and pizza and token games at one of Cruz's favorite places in the entire world.  But before a post that includes our weekend festivities, I'm starting the week with a tradition I began last year - a birthday portrait along with 20 questions from Cruz.  It was fun to look back at his post from last year and remember some of his unique quirks, like bringing a toy to bed with him every night and being obsessed with Tow Mater and Lightning McQueen.  I have a feeling the next few years of birthdays will be trademarked with his favorite toy of choice. :)

1.  Favorite Food: pancakes
2.  Favorite Book: the new Pete the Cat one (Pete the Cat and the New Kid
3.  Favorite Color: Orange and red

4.  What do you want to be when you grow up: Fisherman

5.  Favorite Song: Frozen

6.  Best Friend: Lincoln

7.  Favorite thing to wear: an Ultimate Spiderman shirt

8.  Favorite toy: my Ninja Turtles

9.  Favorite TV show: Superhero Squad

10. Favorite thing to do at school: having lunch

11. Favorite drink: apple juice

12. Favorite game: tag, you’re it!

13. What do you like to sleep with: Pete the Cat, my monkey, my puppy, and Olaf

14. What makes you happy: when people don’t take my toys from me

15. What makes you sad: when Jacob (imaginary friend) takes my toys from me

16. What is your favorite thing to do outside: have a picnic

17. What is your favorite animal: gorilla, monkey, lion, and a penguin

18. Who is the fastest person in the world: Flash

19. What is your favorite part of your birthday: opening race car present
20. What do you like about God: when he helps people to not be scared

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