
Monday, November 3, 2014


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2014"

Cruz: A handsome fireman this year.  He loved trick-or-treating and marched with his cousins up and down the street, saying, "trick or treat Halloween" at every doorstep.  Afterwards, Daddy put Mila to bed and I taught Cruz how to sort his candy.  We sorted the Hersheys from the Reeses, the suckers from the Skittles, and watched Casper snuggled up in our bed.  

Mila: Had three costumes this year.  Blame it on a mom who is spent on making housing decisions!  "Can't decide?  Might as well!" has been our approach as of late.  Mila was a fire doggie with her fireman brother for trick-or-treating, but I dressed her up in this Minnie Mouse ensemble for the Halloween parade at daycare.  The sweatshirt comes all the way from Disney World and made the perfect fashion statement with this little skirt I scored on a clearance rack at Kohls for 99 cents!  Kayla said she blew kisses during the parade and made everyone swoon. :)  

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