
Monday, November 17, 2014


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2014"


Cruz: We've started our second full week at Mom and Dad's.  Things started off well, until we all got stuck with the flu bug.  It's been a rough week to say the least, but we've been remedying with Grandma's book collection, board games, and Jordan and Taylor's old toys.  This boy's been amazing through this transition and I am so very proud of him.

Mila: Finally back to school today after nearly a whole week out for the count.  This past week, ironically the first week at Mom's, Mila has decided she's more of a stander than a crawler.  She's exploring, too, and is into everything she shouldn't be.  She loves Mom's greeting card drawer, the wick candles under the TV, and the kitty food!  We have plans to do some baby proofing as soon as we're all feeling better!

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